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Friday, 28/02/2025

A Condolence Meeting was organized by Islam Gymkhana and Association of Muslim Professionals on Friday, 28/02/2025 at 7.30 pm in Conference Hall of Islam Gymkhana, Mumbai to pay homage to Late SHEHERBANU w/o IQBAL MEMON OFFICER.

Numereous prominent persolalities of all communities Memons, Muslim, Vohra, Shia, Gujrati, Marathi, Hindu, Parsi etc were present viz Mr Iqbal Memon Officer, Adv Yusuf Abrahani, Mr Ameer Idrisi, Mr Nizamuddin Raeen, Mr Javed Iqbal Officer, Mr Amin Patel, Mr Imran Fruitwala, Mr Shehzad Gigani, Mrs Abeda Zaveri, Ms Shaheda Darbar, Mr Sayyed Mehdi Hasan, Mr Anwar Pishori, Mr Salim Merchant, Mr Salim Sopariwala, Mr Kheradia, Mr Motorwala etc.

Following personalities offered condolence in honour of Marhooma.

1) Mufti Ahmed
2) Mr Sayyed Mohammed Mehdi Hasan
3) Mr Kishor Khanuwala
4) Mr Raja Sony
5) Mr Nizamuddin Raeen
6) Mr Laxman Waghmare (Retd ACP)
7) Mr Imran Fruitwala
8) Mr Shafiqur Rehman
9) Adv Yusuf Abrahani
10) Mr Amin Patel
11) Mr Iqbal Memon Officer

Meeting was concluded at 9pm with Dua e Maghfirat

Saturday, 11/01/2025
ALL INDIA MEMON JAMAT FEDERATION GET TOGETHER – 05/02/2025 – Hotel Regal Palace, Mumbai

‘Get-Together Function’ of ‘All India Memon Jamat Federation’ (AIMJF) was held on Tuesday, 04/02/2025 at 7.30 pm in Hotel Regal Palace, Mumbai.

• Mr Imran Fruitwala compeered the function.

• 250 (approx.) Members were present including prominent dignitaries of community.

• Function was commenced with recitation of verses from the Holy Quran by Mr Yasin Asif Officer followed by Sadqa.

• Mrs Razia Bai Chasmawala delivered welcome address & greeted the members present.

• Rs.1,42,74,289/- was sanctioned towards below mentioned applications:-

Housing Help – 49 Applications – Rs.64,50,000/-
Education Help – 3 Applications – Rs.1,50,000/-
Donations – 2 Applications – Rs.8,00,000/-
Community Centre Help – 2 Applications – Rs.9,00,000/-
Medical Help – 27 Applications – Rs.4,97,000/-
Marriage Help – 7 Applications – Rs.70,000/-
Mass Marriage Help – 1 Application – Rs.50,000/-
Industrial Training Centre – Rs.5,56,800/-
Charitable Dispensary – Rs.75,745/-
Business Help – 16 Applications – Rs.31,00,000/-
Widow Help – 5 Applications – Rs.1,56,000/-
Free Coaching Classes – Rs.1,65,000/-
Miscelleneous Charities – Rs.13,03,744/-

• Mr Ateeq Agboatwala appreciated the progress and prosperity of deserving strata of Memon Community after Mr Iqbal Memon Officer became the President of ‘All India Memon Jamat Federation’ in the year 2015 because people trust him and Memons give charity voluntarily without any command / decree.

He further stated that he is a 5th decendant of Late Janab Haji Cassum Seth Agboatwala, and managing 8 charitable trust and actively involved in trust activities since last 8 to 10 years alleviating the sufferings of misfortune people and getting much satisfaction & pleasure in dealing with day to day affair of said trust compared to business.

He requested all to help the Memons.

Mr Iqbal Memon Officer appreciated the more than 100 years philanthropic legacy of Late Great Haji Cassum Seth Agboatwala which is being continued by great, dedicated and humanitarian services rendered by Mr Ateeq Agboatwala for the upliftment and betterment of community at large. He also thanked Mr Ateeq Agboatwala and his mother Mrs Farida Bai Agboatwala for their kind cooperation and support extended to AIMJF always.

• Following personalities were felicitated with Memento / Shawl

1) Mr Ateeq Agboatwala
2) Mr Suhel Millwala, USA
3) Mr Abdul Gani Molvi, USA
4) Mrs Parwin Abdul Gani Molvi, USA
5) Mr Firzo Khan, Canada
6) Mrs Masila Naviwala, Aurangabad
7) Mrs Juveria Motiwala
8) Mr Afzal Sopariwala
9) Mr Abdul Razzak Sopariwala
10) Mr Farook Sopariwala
11) Adv Firoz Tinwala
12) Mr Yusuf Kheradia
13) Mr Aftab badshah
14) Hazrat Sufi Farook
15) Mr Shakeel Ajmeri
16) Mr Amin Ajmeri

• Mrs Shama Motiwala from Michigan felicitated by Mrs Shifa Imran Fruitwalla & Mrs Zuveria Ashraf Motiwala

• Following members appreciated the activities of AIMJF
1) Mr Suhel Millwala, USA
2) Mr Abdul Gani Molvi, USA
3) Mrs Masila Naviwala, Aurangabad
4) Mr Firoz Diwan, Nagpur
5) Mr Mohammed Ali Patankar
6) Mr Nizamuddin Raeen

• Memon Times, Activity Appeal was inaugurated all dignified members

• The soft launch of the youth wing initiative website was done today. AIMJF Youth Wing consists of 105 teams across India and multiple beneficial causes which will be now soon online. Initiative launched with the hand of Sufi Saab, Iqbal Memon Officer, Imran Fruitwalla, Yusuf Khereda, Suffiyan Attarwala, Aamir Memon and Youth wing postholders and esteemed guests

• Mr Iqbal Memon Officer stated that we have finalized the 3 acre land proposal of Samast Memon Jamat, Malegaon for construction of 1st Degree College Building of AIMJF.

• Mr Iqbal Memon Officer briefed the gathering about the activities & various schemes of AIMJF in detail. He further stated that the AIMJF is taking utmost care while disbursing the funds that



Main aim of AIMJF is that Memon Zakat Taker should become Zakat Giver.
Unity is strength of community and people should work collectively with co-operation & concentrated efforts.

• Mr Aziz Machiwala conveyed vote of thanks & function dispersed at 11 pm with Dua E Khair by Hazrat Sufi Farook and followed by Dinner.

Saturday, 11/01/2025

Youth Wing of ‘All India Memon Jamat Federation’ celebrated Republic Day on Sunday, 26/01/2025 at 11.00 am in the AIMJF Office Ground, Beg Mohammed Park, Narayan Dhuru Street, Mumbai – 3.

• MMr Imran Fruitwala compeered and welcomed all the guests with Guard of Honour.

• Function was commenced with National Anthem & Memon Anthem

• Prominent dignitaries of all community were present.

• India National Flag was hoisted by Mr Iqbal Memon Officer, Mr Balkrishna Deshmukh (Sr PI – Pydhonie Police Station), Mr Abhijeet Shinde (PI), Mr Naresh Peti (Head Constable) Mr Javed Officer (USA), Mr Imran Fruitwala, Mr Amin Ajmeri, Mr Sajid Sopariwala, Mr Javed Lakhani, Mr Farook Memon, Mr Salim Sopariwala, Mr Haidarali Raeen etc.

• Innumerous prominent Members of all Community were present viz Mr Iqbal Memon Officer, Mr Balkrishna Deshmukh (Sr PI – Pydhonie Police Station), Mr Abhijeet Shinde (PI), Mr Naresh Peti (Head Constable), Mr Javed Officer (USA), Mr Imran Fruitwala, Mr Arsh Fruitwala, Mr Amin Ajmeri, Mr Sajid Sopariwala, Mr Javed Lakhani, Mr Sufyan Attarwala, Mr Wasim Naviwala, Mr Shehzad Gigani, Mr aamir Memon, Mr Farook Memon, MR Farook Taibani, Mrs Afreen Shaikh, Mr Umar Lakdawala, Mr Anwar Pishori, Mr Salim Merchant, Mr Siraj Dosani, Mr Amin Ajmeri, Mr Abdullah taibani, Mr Ajaz Dharar, Mr Anis Memon, Mrs Sabiha Memon, Mr Mohammed Abid, Mr Salim Sopariwala, Mr Faiz Sopariwala, Dr A Razzak Holy, Mr Aftab Ajmeri, Mr Aziz Fruitwala, Mr Yasin Officer, Mr Iqbal Lakhani, Mr Shafi Niyama, Mr Abubakar Ladha, Mr Mateen Patel, Mr Imran Mulla, Mr Haidarali Raeen, Mr Sarfaraz Sayyed, Mr Jai Singh, Mr Mustafa Pandrowala, Mr Ismail Batliwala, Mr zarin Qureshi,Mr Anis Bhura, and various other dignitaries of community were present.

• All the members were welcomed with Guard of Honour by Noormohammed Band

• Mr Iqbal Memon Officer highlighted the great dedicated services rendered by Memon Community, Kerala Community, Kokni Community & other Muslim Community for the Independence of India

• Prominent members were felicitated with Shawl and also they gave their bite appreciating the event.

• All the members were honoured with Brunch Box.

• Above event was covered by Memon Times News

• Housing Help, Community Centre Help & other various applications were reviewed for the meeting dated 04/02/2025.

Function was dispersed at 1 pm

Saturday, 11/01/2025

A Felicitation Function was held on Saturday, 11/01/2025 at 8 pm in AIMJF Office, Mumbai.

Following Members were present.
1) Mr Iqbal Memon Officer
2) Mr Aziz Machiwala
3) Mrs Razia Bai Chasmawala
4) Mr Imran Fruitwala
5) Mrs Gulrukhsar Agboatwala
6) Mrs Tabassum Dhorajiwala
7) Mrs Asma Kapadia
8) Adv Hurriya Patel
9) Mr Anwar Pishori
10) Mr Nizamuddin Raeen
11) Mr Dilawar Chogle
12) Mr Nehal Chogle
13) Mr Haji Kamal Khan
14) Mr Amin Salaya
15) Mr Asif Khatri
16) Mr Taufik Kapadia
17) Mr Mirza Baig
18) Mr Janu Batatawala
19) Mr Mansoor Zariwala
20) Mr Latif Batatawala
21) Mr Badshah Bhai
22) Mr Arif Shaikh
23) Mr Rashid Bakhla
24) Mr Gulam Nabi Idreesi
25) Mr Asraar Ahmed
26) Mr Mukhtar Shaikh
27) Mr Salim Sopariwala
28) Mr Mansoor darvesh
29) Mr Absan Batatawala
30) Mr Badshah Bhai
31) Mr Arif Ahmed
32) Dr Alauddin
33) Mr Haji Kamal Khan
34) Mr Khalid
35) Mr Farook Sayyed
36) Mr Fahad Patel
37) Mr Sohail Raza

Special Guests:-
1) Mr Imtiyaz Suleman Amico, Leicester UK
2) Mrs Mumtaz Imtiyaz, Leicester UK
3) Maulana Zeeshan Ahmed(MD Dawate Islami)
4) Mr Nirav Gandhi

Function was commenced with recitation of verses from the Holy Quran by Maulana Zeeshan Ahmed.

Mrs Razia Bai Chasmawala gave brief intro of special guests among members present and apprerciated the great social services of Mr Imtiyaz Suleman Amico.

She stated that Mr Imtiyaz Suleman is doing great social work all over India irrespective of caste, creed and religion.

Mr Imran Fruitwala delivered welcome address and greeted the special guest and also brief them about the activities of AIMJF and its various wings.

Mr Iqbal Memon Officer brief the members present about the various social services being undertaken by Mr Imtiyaz Suleman and also briefed about the various social activites of AIMJF viz Health, Housing, Industrial Training Centre, Relief, Widow Help etc including campaign of construction of college buildings, Talaq Free & Tobacco Free campaigns.

Following members also express their views and appreciated the activities of AIMJF
1) Mr Imtiyaz Suleman
2) Mr Zeeshan Ahmed Attari
3) Mr Amin Salaya
4) Mr Imran Fruitwala
5) Mr Farook Sayyed
6) Mr Nizamuddin Raeen

Mr Amin Salaya is appointed as a Advisory Board Member of AIMJF

Therefater following Special Guest were felicitated with Memento / Shawl.
1) Mr Imtiyaz Suleman Amico, Leicester UK
2) Mrs Mumtaz Imtiyaz, Leicester UK
3) Maulana Zeeshan Ahmed(MD Dawate Islami)
4) Mr Nirav Gandhi

Fucntion was dispersed at 11 pm with Dinner & Dua e Khair

SUNDAY, 17/11/2024

A Felicitation Function was held on Tuesday, 10/12/2024 at 8.30 pm in Islam Gymkhana, Marine Drive, Mumbai.

Following Members were present.
1) Mr Iqbal Memon Officer
2) Mr Aziz Machiwala
3) Mrs Razia Bai Chasmawala
4) Mr Asif Abbajumma
5) Mr Imran Fruitwala
6) Mrs Nasima Surty
7) Mr Shehzad Gigani
8) Mr Sufyan Attarwala
9) Mr Anwar Pishori
10) Mr Salim Merchant
11) Mr Ameer Memon
12) Mr Farook Taibani
13) Mr Nizamuddin Raeen
14) Mr Amin Ajmeri
15) Mrs Asma Ajmeri
16) Mr Abdul Rashid Hingwala
17) Mrs Tazin Hingwala
18) Mr Anis Marwadi
19) Mrs Heena Marwadi
20) Mr Moinuddin Marwadi
21) Mr Shahid Molvi
22) Mr Hamid Maklai
23) Mrs Sameera Reshamwala
24) Mrs Gulrukhsar Agboatwala
25) Mr Amin Salaya
26) Mufti Abdul Rashid
27) Mr Kadar Sopariwala
28) Mr Iqbal Chunawala
29) Mr Janu Batatawala
30) Mr Shafi NIyama
31) Mr Mansoor Zariwala
32) Mr Badshah Bhai
33) Mr Rafik Lakhani
34) Mrs Sabina Lakhany
35) Mr Ayub Memon
36) Mr Salim Motorwala
37) Mr Musheer Ansari
38) Mr Mukhtar Shaikh
39) Mr Arif Shaikh

Special Guests:-
1) Mr Javed Molvi, USA (President – Memon Organization of North America & Ambassador – World Memon Day Council, LA USA)
2) Mrs Seemin Molvi, USA
3) Mr Shahid Harunani, Kenya (VP – IMO East Africa Chapter)
4) Mr Yusuf Ayub (Chairman – Memon Jamat, Dar E Salam)
5) Mrs Noorjahan Ayub, Dar E Salam

 Function was commenced with recitation of verses from the Holy Quran by Mufti Abdul Rashid followed by Sadqa

 Mr Imran Fruitwala delivered welcome address and greeted the special guest and also brief them about the activities of AIMJF and its various wings.

 Mrs Razia Bai Chasmawala gave brief intro of special guests among members present and apprerciated the great social services of Mr Javed Molvi.

She stated that Mr Javed Molvi is providing free medical services, organizing B2B Conferences, Cricket Tournaments, managing community centre and children rooms and also actively involved in charitable work for the welfare of masses at large

 Mr Iqbal Memon Officer brief the members present about the various social services being undertaken by Mr Javed Molvi and also briefed about the various social activites of AIMJF viz Health, Housing, Industrial Training Centre, Relief, Widow Help etc including campaign of construction of college buildings, Talaq Free & Tobacco Free campaigns.

He further appreciated the activities of Sports Wing under Mr Asif Abbajumma, Youth Wing under Mr Imran Fruitwala, Ladies Wing under Mrs Razia Bai Chasmawala and Matrimonial Wing under Mrs Nasima Bai Surty etc.

Following members also express their views and appreciated the activities of AIMJF
1) Mr Nizamuddin Raeen
2) Mr Amin Salaya
3) Mr Musheer Ansari
4) Mr Shahid Harunani
5) Mr Yusuf Ayub
6) Mr Javed Molvi

Therefater following Special Guest were felicitated with Memento / Shawl.

1) Mr Javed Molvi, USA (President – Memon Organization of North America & Ambassador – World Memon Day Council, LA USA)
2) Mrs Seemin Molvi, USA
3) Mr Shahid Harunani, Kenya (VP – IMO East Africa Chapter)
4) Mr Yusuf Ayub (Chairman – Memon Jamat, Dar E Salam)
5) Mrs Noorjahan Ayub, Dar E Salam
Function was dispersed at 12.15 am with Dinner & Dua e Khair by Mr Aziz Machiwala.

SUNDAY, 17/11/2024

AIMJF Sponsored and managed by Bilimora Memon Jamat, Cricket Tournament was held from 16/11/2024 to 17/11/2024 in Bilimora (Dist Valsad) in which 12 teams participated.

Finale was held on 17/11/2024 at 4pm

Mr Asif Abbajumma was unable to attend due to sad demise of his aunty.

Mr Iqbal Memon Officer

Mr Aziz Machiwala

Mr Imran Fruitwala

Semi Finalist
• MH 20 Zone Chinchani
• Bhavnagar Memon Moti Jamat

• Prime Riser Ahmedabad
• Haji 11 Dhoraji

• Finale was played between Haji 11 Dhoraji & Bhavnagar Memon Moti Jamat

Haji 11 Dhoraji, won the tournament

Teams / Players were felicitated with following trophies/ mementos

• Winner
• Runner Up
• Semi Finalists
• Best Batsman
• Best Bowler
• Best Fielder
• Man of the Match
• Man of the Series

• Mr Imran Fruitwala delivered welcome address and greeted all and requested all jamats to form Youth Wing in their respective jamats and affiliate youth in jamat activities and participate in community upliftment programmes

• Mr Iqbal Memon Officer appreciated the selfless services of all team members of Bilimora Memon Jamat including Rahil Bhangarwala and Sohel Memon for making this tournament a grand success

• Mr Iqbal Memon Officer was felicitated with Memento of title “VISIONARY OF THE COMMUNITY”

• Mr Aziz Machiwala conveyed vote of thanks and prog dispersed at 7.30 pm.

SUNDAY, 10/11/2024
ALL INDIA MEMON JAMAT FEDERATION Free Medical Training Programme


All India Memon Jamat Federation organised a Free Medical Training Programme in collaboration with Saifee Hospital on Sunday, 10/11/2024 from 3pm to 5pm in Auditorium, 9th Floor, Saifee Hospital, Mumbai.

Programme was commenced with recitation of verses from the Holy Quran by Mr Yasin Asif Officer.

50 (approx) members were present including prominent members of community viz Mr Iqbal Memon Officer, Mr Aziz Machiwala, Mr Yusuf Makani, Ms Sheherbanoo Gullar, Mrs Tabassum Dhorajiwala, Mrs Shahida Darbar, Mr Asif Officer, Mr Yasin Officer, Mrs Gazala Asif Officer, Mr Yunus Malkani, Mr Bilal Malkani, Mr Salman Yusuf, Mr Mohammed, Mr Yusuf Punjabi, Mr Majid Shaikh, Mr Babu Shamshi, Mr Arif Shaikh, Mr Sunil Kumar (Divisional Officer, Civil Defence, Govt of Maharashtra) etc.

Team members of Dar e Qaum & Indo Arab Society were also present.

Dr Abdul Rehman Khattan (MBBS, MD) & Dr Ali Bombaywala (MBBS) from Emergency Medicine Dept, Saifee Hospital explained in details with practical demonstrations and PPT presentation about the precautionary measures to be taken during Major Emergencies like Heart Attack, Stroke, Breathlessness etc and also during Minor Emergencies like Wound Management, Fracture Management, Bleeding, Basic Life Support, CPR etc.

The aforesaid training session was very informative and useful which is very essential during present scenario.

Mr Iqbal Memon Officer thanked Dr Abdul Rehman Khattan, Dr Ali Bombaywala for excellently explaining the basic precautions to be taken during Major and Minor emergencies, he also thanked Saifee Hospital for their kind cooperation and support extended to AIMJF always.

He thanked Mr Yusuf Malkani for his efforts due to which this programme was organised.

Dr Khattan and Dr Bombaywala were felicitated with Shawl by Mr Iqbal Memon Officer, Mr Aziz Machiwala & Mr Yusuf Malkani.

Programme was dispersed at 5.30 pm with Hi Tea.

SUNDAY, 22/09/2024


Foundation Stone laying ceremony of AIMJF Degree College was organized on Sunday, 22/09/2024 at 1.30 pm in Parbhani by the hands of all prominent members of Community.

THURSDAY, 15/08/2024


All India Memon Jamat Federation’ celebrated Independence Day on Thursday, 15/08/2024 at 10.30 am at Beg Mohammed Park, Narayan Dhuru Street, Mumbai – 400 003.

150 (Approx) members were present including following prominent Members:-

1. Mr Iqbal Memon Officer
2. Mr Aziz Machhiwala
3. Mr Asif Abbajumma
4. Mr Imran Fruitwala
5. Mr Yusuf Malkani
6. Mr Shabbir Bhojani (Hyderabad)
7. Mr Ahmed Sandha (USA)
8. Mr Abubakar (Uganda)
9. Mr Liyakat Dosani (Ahmedabad)
10. Mr Rafik Lakhani (Akola)
11. Mrs Nasima Surty
12. Mr Shehzad Gigani
13. Mr Wasim Naviwala
14. Mr Faiz Sopariwala
15. Mr Farook Taibani
16. Mr Siraj Darbar
17. Mr Amin Ajmeri
18. Mr Sajid Sopariwala
19. Mr Shakil Ajmeri
20. Mr Abdul Aziz Sandha
21. Mr Anwar Nagaria
22. Mr Punjabi Baba
23. Mrs Afreen Shaikh (Corporator)
24. Mr Umar Lakdawala
25. Mr Anwar Pishori
26. Mr Shakil Tinwala
27. Mr Rashid Bakhla
28. Mr Haji Riyaz Memon
29. Dr Razzak Holy
30. Mr Asif Kas
31. Mr Amin Salaya
32. Mr Taufiq Kapadia
33. Mr Ayub Memon
34. Mr Shafi Niyama
35. Mr Iqbal Lakhani
36. Mr Mansoor Zariwala
37. Mr Siddik Kapadia
38. Mr Siraj Dosani
39. Mr Anis Bhura
40. Mr Faridin Shaikh
41. Mr Rafik Lakhani
42. Mrs Asma Kapadia
43. Mr Imran Alvi
44. Mr Imran Mulla
45. Mrs Tabassum Dhorajiwala
46. Mr Abdul Kadar Sopariwala
47. Mr Iqbal Batliwala
48. Mr Majid Shaikh (Indo Arab Society)
49. Mr Nabi Qureshi (Indo Arab Society)
50. Mr Rashid Bakhla
51. Mr Ayub Memon
• Mr Imran Fruitwala delivered welcome address & greeted all the members present.

• All the Guest were felicitated with Guard of Honour by Burhani Guards.

• Mr Iqbal Memon Officer highlighted the great dedicated services rendered by Memon Community for Independence of India

• India National Flag was hoisted by Mr Iqbal Memon Officer, Mr Shabbir Bhojani, Mr Asif Abbajumma, Mrs Afreen Shaikh (Corporator), Mr Umar Lakdawala, & various prominent members.

• Mr Iqbal Memon Officer informed that the :-

a) Separate bank account for College Fund has been opened in HDFC Bank

b) QR code will be shared to all to participate in said noble cause

c) Foundation stone laying ceremony of 1st college will be held in Parbhani on 22/09/2024

d) Every year one college will be initiated by AIMJF

• All the members present appreciated and noted the same.

• All the Guests were gifted with Brunch Box

• Function was covered by Awaz national News & Memon Times Channel alongwith bite of prominent members.

Function was dispersed at 1.00 pm


Tuesday, 21/05/2024


A ‘Get – Together Lunch’ to felicitate Dr ESMAIL HARUNANI was held on Tuesday, 21/05/2024 at 2.00 pm in the office of AIMJF.

Special Guest
Ambassador – World Memon Day Council, UK (London)
Trustee – WMO


Following Members were present.
1. Mr Iqbal Memon Officer
2. Mr Aziz Machiwala
3. Mr Yusuf Malkani
4. Mrs Razia Bai Chasmawala
5. Mr Ali Bhojani
6. Mr Yasin Asif Officer
7. Mr Abdul Aziz Sandha
8. Mrs Tabassum Dhorajiwala
9. Mr Salim Merchant
10. Mr Asif Kas
11. Mrs Shaheen Lakdawala
12. Mr Shafi Kapadia
13. Mr Taher Mitha

• Function was commenced with recitation of verses from the Holy Quran by Mr Abdul Aziz Sandha

• Mrs Razia Bai Chasmawala delivered welcome address and greeted the special Guest and also briefed them about the activities of AIMJF.

• Following Special Guests were felicitated with Memento & Shawl
Ambassador – World Memon Day Council, UK (London)
Trustee – WMO

• Dr Esmail Harunani appreciated the selfless, dedicated social work of Mr Iqbal Memon Officer and stated that he is working day and night for the upliftment and betterment of underprivileged, downtrodden starat of community at large.

He further stated that Mr Iqbal Memon Officer is striving hard to bring the Memon community of the entire world on single platform and due to his hard efforts Memon Community all over the world are now united and celebrating ‘World Memon Day’ on 10th April like EID.

• Mr Iqbal Memon Officer appreciated the selfless services of Dr Esmail Harunani and appraised that AIMJF is running a campaign to create Talaq Free and Gutkha Free Memon Jamat and we will also honor the Jamats who will become Talaq Free & Gutkha Free by giving them certificates in AGM of AIMJF.

Programme was dispersed at 4.30 pm with a Veg Lunch & vote of thanks to the chair


Tuesday, 30/04/2024


A Courtesy Meeting was held on Tuesday, 30/04/2024 to meet and interact with Adv Ashish Selarji (President – BJP Mumbai) and Mr Yashwant Jadhavji.

Following Members were present

1. Mr Iqbal Memon Officer
2. Mr Aziz Machhiwala
3. Mr Yusuf Malkani
4. Mr Imran Fruitwala
5. Mrs Razia Bai Chasmawala
6. Mr Suhail Khandwani
7. Mr Shakir Batliwala
8. Mr Shakil Batliwala
9. Mr Iqbal Chunawala
10. Mr Javed Parekh
11. Mr Afroz Hasanfatta
12. Mr Qayyum Machiwala
13. Ms Sheherbanoo Gullar
14. Mr Taufiq Kapadia
15. Mr Iqbal Chunawala
16. Mr Razzak Sopariwala
17. Mr Wasim Naviwala
18. Mr Ateeq Memon
19. Mr Anwar Nagaria
20. Mr Taher Mitha
21. Mr Shafi Niyama
22. Mr Abdul Aziz Sandha
23. Mr Anwar Pishori
24. Mr Salim Merchant
25. Mr Hadee Bhavnagarwala
26. Mr Abdul Aziz Sandha
27. Mr Mansoor Zariwala
28. Mr Asif Kas
29. Mr Javed Fatta
30. Mrs Rukhsana Nagvadaria
31. Mr Javed Shaikh
32. Mr Anis Tinwala

Special Guest
1. Adv Ashish Selar (President – BJP Mumbai)
2. Mr Yashwant Jadhav (Former Chairman – Standing Committee MCGM)

• Meeting was commenced with recitation of verses from the Holy Quran by Mr Hafiz Iqbal Chunawala.

• Mrs Razia Bai Chasmawala delivered welcome address in honour of Adv Ashish Selar

• Mr Imran Fruitwala delivered welcome address & greeted the special guests

• Mr Iqbal Memon Officer appraised the special guests about the activities of AIMJF, including installation of PIYAU in AZAD MAIDAN with capacity of 10,000 ltrs cool, filtered drinking water and financial assistance for repairs and renovations of storm affected schools in Konkan irrespective of caste, creed and religion.

He further requested to use their sources for prevailing peace, prosperity and harmony in state.

• Mr Suhail Khandwani & Mr Farid Noorie also present their views

• Adv Ashish Selarji appreciated the Memon Community and assured complete co-operation and support to society

• Mr Yashwant Jadhavji also assured their cooperation and support to society

• Mr Iqbal memon Officer felicitated Adv Ashish Selar & Mr Yashwant Jadhav with shawl

• Programme dispersed at 10.45 pm with Dinner


WEDNESDAY, 01/05/2024


A Delegation of ‘All India Memon Jamat Federation’ consisting 110 members met Shri Eknath Shinde Saheb (Hon’ble Chief Minister – Maharashtra State) on Wednesday, 01/05/2024 at 1.00 pm in Varsha Bunglow, Malabar Hill, Mumbai.

• Mrs Razia Bai Chasmawala delivered welcome address in honour of Shri Eknath Shinde Saheb.

• Mr Imran Fruitwala appraised Hon’ble CM about the activities of AIMJF & WMO.

• Mr Iqbal Memon Officer appraised CM Saheb about the Memon Community, including installation of PIYAU in AZAD MAIDAN with capacity of 10,000 ltrs cool, filtered drinking water and financial assistance for repairs and renovations of storm affected schools in Konkan irrespective of caste, creed and religion.

He further requested to use his good office for:-
1. Prevailing peace, prosperity and harmony atmosphere in state.
2. Permission to start college in Parbhani wherein 1 acre land is donated by Donor
3. Commencement of Urdu Bhavan in Byculla
4. Permission to start IT Institute near Abdul Rehman Shah Baba Dargah which is shut down since a long time.
5. Appointment of representative for Muslim Community who can appraised the community about the various schemes Govt has launched for the benefit of community.
6. Appointment of staff members to administer Maulana Azad Minority Fund.

• Mr Hasin Aghadi, Mr Mudassir Patel, Mr Dilawar Choughle, Mr Sarfaraz Arzoo etc also presented their views

• Shri Eknath Shinde Saheb appreciated the Memon Community and assured complete co-operation and support to society

• Mr Iqbal memon Officer felicitated CM Saheb with tricolor turban and shawl

• Programme dispersed at 3.00 pm with Hi Tea


Tuesday, 09/04/2024


MEMON DAY was celebrated by “All India Memon Jamat Federation” (AIMJF) on Tuesday 09/04/2024 in Beg Mohammed Park, Narayan Dhuru St, Mumbai by opening Roza Iftaar with 1000 Ladies visiting Nakhuda Mohalla for shopping.

Mrs Razia Bai Chasmawala delivered welcome address

Mr Imran Fruitwala compèred the function

Mr Iqbal Memon Officer Highlight about the importance of Memon Day

Along with Iftaar Ration Kit was also distributed to poor families

Mr Imran Fruitwala & Youth Wing Members distributed Dresses to Orphan Students of Darul Yatama

Many dignitaries were present including Mr Iqbal Memon Officer, Mr Aziz Machiwala, Mrs Razia Bai Chasmawala, Mr Imran Fruitwala, Mr Shakir Batliwala, Mr Yusuf Malkani, Mr Shakil Batliwala, Mr Haseen Aghadi, Mr Javed Parekh, Mr Amin Patel MLA, Mr Umar Lakdawala, Mr Nizamuddin Raeen, Mr Farook Sayed, Mr Anwar Pishori, Mr Salim Merchant, Mr Sarfaraz Arzoo, Mr Shehzad Gigani, Mr Faiz Sopariwala, Mr Atique Memon, Mr Yasin Asif Memon, Master Aahil Atique Memon, Mr Asif Memon etc.

Prominent Channels covered the event viz
(1) Premlata Mouriya - Awaz National News
(2) Azad India News - Naeem
(3) Rashid Azim - Aamna Samna Media Network
(4) Sabbir Bhai - Awami Time
Function was concluded at 8.45 pm with a vote of thanks by Mr Imran Fruitwala


Saturday, 23/03/2024


Alhamdulillah, Ramzan Roza Iftaar arrangement is being managed by ‘All India Memon Jamat Federation’ from 12/03/2024 in Beg Mohammed Park, Narayan Dhuru Street, Mumbai for 500 to 700 ladies on daily basis for first 10 days and thereafter 1000 ladies till end of Ramadhan every day.

On Saturday, 23/03/2024 Mr RAHUL NARVEKAR JI (Hon’ble Speaker – Maharashtra Legislative Assembly) visited aforesaid IFTAAR at 6.15 pm alongwith Senior PI & his Team from Pydhonie Police Station.

Mr Iqbal Memon Officer appraised about the activities of AIMJF & briefed them about the history of Memon Community.

Mr RAHUL NARVEKARJI appreciated the activities of AIMJF and congratulated Mr Iqbal Memon Officer for his selfless services.


Wednesday, 14/02/2024
“ALL INDIA MEMON JAMAT FEDERATION" GET TOGETHER – 14/02/2024 – Islam Gymkhana, Mumbai


‘Get-Together Function’ of ‘All India Memon Jamat Federation’ (AIMJF) was held on Wednesday, 14/02/2024 at 7.30 pm in Bay View, Islam Gymkhana, Mumbai.


Monday, 05/02/2024


Sports Wing Meeting of ‘All India Memon Jamat Federation’ was held on Monday, 05/02/2024 at 5.00 pm in the office of AIMJF to discuss about the proposal of ‘Chinchan Memon Jamat’ for organizing AIMJF Cricket Tournamnet at national level in Chinchan (Dt Palghar)

  • Following Members were present

    1. Mr Asif Abbajumma

    2. Mr Shakil Batliwala

    3. Mr Ali Bhojani

    4. Mr Mr Hasham Dokadia

    5. Mr Safan Batliwala

    6. Mr Rizwan Kapadia

    7. Mr Khurram Abbajumma

    8. Mr Sohel Malkani

    9. Mr Rafik Bhojani, Chinchan

    10. Mr Aklas Sarif, Chinchan

    11. Mr Akil Kabli, Chinchan

    12. Mr A gani Bhojani, Chinchan

    13. Mr Zoyab Sarif, Chinchan

    14. Mr Salman Paswala, Chinchan

    15. Mr Shoyab Bhojani, Chinchan

  • Meeting was commenced with recitation of verses from the Holy Quran by Mr Rafik Bhojani.

  • Mr Rafik Bhojani stated that the ‘Chinchan Memon Jamat’ is poroposing to organize AIMJF Cricket Tournament at National level in Chinchan from 23/04/2024 to 27/04/2024 OR from 28/05/2024 to 01/06/2024.

  • Mr Asif Abbajumma appreciated the same and appraised him in detail about the rules, regulations & scheme of AIMJF Cricket Tournament.

  • He further discussed the Budget, Expenses, Sponsors at length including availability of Hotel / Rooms, Food, accommodation, conveyance, Ground etc.

  • Mr Rafik Bhojani confirmed / agreed that all facilities are available in Chinchan and assured that they will try their best to make the tournament a grand success.

  • He further invited Mr Asif Bhai Abbajumma and all the members of core committee to visit Chinchan for survey of Ground & Hotel.

  • Mr Asif Abbjumma accepted the invitation and assured to visit soon with his team members.

  • Meeting was dispersed at 6.00 pm with a vote of thanks to Asif Bhai Abbajumma and Team followed by refreshment sponsored by Asif Bhai Abbajumma.


    FRIDAY, 26/01/2024 REPUBLIC DAY


    Youth Wing of ‘All India Memon Jamat Federation’ celebrated Republic Day on Friday, 26/01/2024 at 11.00 am in the AIMJF Office Ground, Beg Mohammed Park, Narayan Dhuru Street, Mumbai – 3.

  • Mr Imran Fruitwala compeered and welcomed all the guests with Guard of Honour

  • Function was commenced with National Anthem & Memon Anthem

  • Prominent dignitaries of all community were present

  • India National Flag was hoisted by Mr Iqbal Memon Officer, Mr Yusuf Batliwala (USA), Mr Monty Khan (USA), Mr Ahmed Makki (KSA), Mr Imran Alvi, Mr Aziz Machiwala, Mr Asif Abbajumma, Mr Imran Fruitwala, Mr Yusuf Malkani, Mr Amin Ajmeri, Mr Siraj Darbar, Mr Irfan Lodha etc.

  • Innumerous prominent Members of all Community were present viz Mr Iqbal Memon Officer, Mr Yusuf Batliwala (USA), Mr Monty Khan (USA), Mr Ahmed Makki (KSA), Mr Aziz Machiwala, Mr Asif Abbajumma, Mr Imran Fruitwala, Yusuf Malkani, Mrs Nasima Surty, Mr Irfan Lodha, Mr Aziz Sandha, Mrs Afreen Shaikh (Ex Municipal Corporator), Mr Umar Lakdawala, Mr Anwar Pishori, Mr Faiz Sopariwala, Mr Siraj Dosani, Mr Amin Ajmeri, Mr Siraj Darbar, Mr Aftab Ajmeri, Mr Taufiq Kapadia, Mr Mansoor Zariwala, Mr Rafik Lakhani, Mr Latif Batliwala, Mr Ilyas Dangra, Mr M A Khalid, Mr Nabi Akhtar, Mr Ikhlaq Khan, Ms Rukhsana Mehsania, Mr Mohammed Malkani, Mr Akhlaq Ahmed, Mr Mubarak Bhadana, Mr Riyaz Ansari, Mr Kamal Mandlekar, Mr Shafi Khan, Mr Noormohamed Patel, Mr and various other dignitaries of community were present.

  • All the members were welcomed with Guard of Honour by Scout of Burhani Guard

  • Mr Iqbal Memon Officer highlighted the great dedicated services rendered by Memon Community, Kerala Community, Kokni Community & other Muslim Community for the Independence of India

  • Mr Faiz Sopariwala is appointed as a Fitness Amabassador Penalist of AIMJF Youth Wing

  • Mr Imran Fruitwala stated that AIMJF will be going to organized Job Fair in collaboration with Andheri Suburban Halai Memon Jamat on 10th February, 2024 at Diamond banquets, Mumbra.

  • Prominent members were felicitated with Shawl and also they gave their bite appreciating the event.

  • All the members were honoured with Brunch Box

  • Above event was covered by Memon Times News

  • Function was dispersed at 12.15 noon


    Saturday, 30/12/2023

    A Felicitation Programme was held on Saturday, 30/12/2023 at 5.00 pm in the office of AIMJF.

    Following Members were present.

    1) Mr Iqbal Memon Officer

    2) Mr Aziz Machiwala

    3) Mr Shakir Batliwala

    4) Mr Yusuf Malkani

    5) Mrs Razia Bai Chasmawala

    6) Mr Imran Fruitwala

    7) Mr Haseen Aghadi

    8) Mr Baba Bhai Sopariwala

    9) Mr Shakil Batliwala

    10) Mrs Tabassum Dhorajiwala

    11) Mr Taufik Kapadia

    12) Mr Anwar Pishori

    13) Mr Salim Merchant

    14) Mr Salim Sopariwala

    15) Mr Salim Nagani

    16) Mrs Nasima Surty

    17) Mr Shakil Tinwala

    18) Mr Noor Mohammed Patel

    19) Mr Asif Kas

    20) Mr Altaf Holy

    Mr Imran Fruitwala delivered welcome address and greeted all the special Guests and briefed them about the activities of AIMJF

    Following Special Guest were felicitated with Shawl.

    1) Mr Kamran Ghani, Dubai (President – WMO Middle East Chapter)

    2) Hafiz Ahsan Iqbal Qadri, Colombo

    3) Mr Haseen Aghadi – President – WMO India Chapter

    4) Mrs Razia Bai Chasmawala – Dy Chairperson – WMO Global Ladies Wing

    Programme was dispersed at 9.00 pm with a Hi Tea & vote of thanks to the chair

    Wednesday, 16/08/2023
    "COUNSEL (MASHWARA) MEETING" Called By Adv Yusuf Abrahani Wednesday, 16/08/2023, Islam Gymkhana, Mumbai

    'Annual General Meeting' of 'All India Memon Jamat Federation' (AIMJF) is scheduled on Saturday, 16/09/2023 in Haj House, Mumbai.

    This year 4 year term of President is being completed and election / selection for the post of President of AIMJF will be held in AGM.

    As per tradition of AIMJF before election / selection of President is decided in MASHWARA MEETING.

    Accordingly a 'Counsel (Mashwara) Meeting' was called by Adv Yusuf Abrahani on 16/08/2023 in Islam Gymkhana, Mumbai after Maghrib salat.

    150 (approx.) prominent members of community / society were present including:-

    1. Mr Iqbal Memon Officer

    2. Adv Yusuf Abrahani

    3. Mr Aziz Machiwala

    4. Mr Yusuf Malkani

    5. Mr Rashid Darbar

    6. Mr Shakir Batliwala

    7. Mr Imran Fruitwala

    8. Mrs Razia Bai Chasmawala

    9. Mrs Farida Bai Agboatwala

    10. Mrs Zebunnisa Millwala

    11. Mr Abdul Hamid Nathani

    12. Mr Suhail Khandwani

    13. Mr Baba Bhai Sopariwala

    14. Mr Shakil Batliwala

    15. Mr Mansoor Zariwala

    16. Mr Salim Nagani

    17. Mr Aftab Badshah

    18. Mr Sameer Dabawala

    19. Mr Sajid Sopariwala

    20. Mr Asif Officer

    21. Mr Yasin Officer

    22. Mr Irfan Master

    23. Mr Iqbal Memon

    24. Mr Amin Ajmeri

    25. Mr Siraj Darbar

    26. Mr Aziz Sandha

    27. Mr Janu Batatawala

    28. Mr Ali Bhojani

    29. Mr Nizamuddin Raeen

    30. Mr Amin Patel

    31. Mr Mansoor Darvesh

    32. Prof Qasim Imam

    33. Mr Kamal Mandlekar

    34. Mr Anwar Pishori

    35. Mr Salim Merchant

    36. Mr Yasin Pochi

    37. Mr Afzal Sopariwala

    38. Mr Imran Alvi

    39. Dr Samir Bubere

    40. Mr Amin Salaya

    41. Mr Usman Palla

    42. Mr Rauf Chamadia

    43. Mr Musheer Ansari

    44. Mr Rizwan Shekha

    45. Mr Farook Memon

    46. Ms Aysha Dhorajiwala

    47. Mr Anis Bhura

    48. Mr latif Batliwala

    49. Mr Javed Lakhnani

    50. Mr Siddik Babla

    51. Mr Zuber Agboatwala

    52. Mr Yusuf Sakarwala

    • Meeting was compeered by Mr Imran Fruitwala

    • Meeting was commenced with recitation of verses from the Holy Quran by Hafiz Yasin Asif Officer

    • Mr Imran Fruitwala delivered welcome address & greeted all the members present.

    • Mr Asif Iqbal Officer stated that due to full time engagement of his father Mr Iqbal Officer with AIMJF, they are not getting time for their personal / family and even unable to go for outing or spare time for family Get-Together.

    • Following members delivered speech and requested / persuaded Mr Iqbal Memon Officer to continue 4th term as a Preisdent of AIMJF

    1) Mr Aziz Machiwala

    2) Adv Yusuf Abrahani

    3) Mr Abdul Hamid Nathani

    4) Mr Nizamuddin Raeen

    5) Mr Suhail Khandwani

    6) Mrs Razia bai Chasmawala

    7) Mr Amin Patel – MLA

    8) Mr Altaf Holy

    9) Mr Kamal Mandlekar

    10) Mr Amin Salaya

    11) Prof Qasim Imam

    12) Mr Anwar Pishori

    13) Mr Irfan Master

    14) Mr Yasin Pochi

    15) Mr Imran Alvi

    16) Dr Sami Bubere

    17) Mr Sajid Bhura

    18) Mr Farook Sayed

    19) Mr Usman Palla

    20) Mr Musheer Ansari

    21) Mr Javed Jamaluddin

    22) Mr Ali Bhojani

    23) Mr Rizwan Shekha

    24) Mr Shakir Batliwala

    25) Mr Haroon Ifroze

    26) Mrs Zebunnisa Millwala

    • Mr Iqbal Memon Officer stated that he has received innumerous calls / messages from the community requesting him to continue 3rd term and now he is unable to deny the love, respect, faith, showered on him by the community and WILL CONTINUE UNOPPOSED / CONTEST THE ELECTION FOR THE POST OF PRESIDENT OF AIMJF FOR 3RD TERM FROM 2023/24 TO 2026/27.

    • Members were happy to hear the same and congratulated him for his fair decision to continue as a President of AIMJF.

    • Meeting was covered by Life Ok News & Memon Times Channel.

    Meeting was dispersed at 10.30 pm followed by Dinner

    TUESDAY, 15/08/2023

    'All India Memon Jamat Federation' celebrated Independence Day on Tuesday, 15/08/2023 at 10.30 am in Beg Mohammed Park, Narayan Dhuru Street, Mumbai – 400 003.

    150 (Approx) members were present including following prominent Members:-

    1. Mr Iqbal Memon Officer

    2. Mr Aziz Machhiwala

    3. Mr Yusuf Malkani

    4. Mr Shakir Batliwala

    5. Mr Imran Fruitwala

    6. Mr Shakil Batliwala

    7. Mr Umar Adenwala

    8. Mrs Sheherbanoo Gullar

    9. Mr Siraj Darbar

    10. Mr Ali Bhojani

    11. Mrs Afreen Shaikh (Corporator)

    12. Mr Bababhai Kolsawala

    13. Mr Anwar Pishori

    14. Mr Salim Merchant

    15. Mr Asif Iqbal Officer

    16. Mr Shakil Tinwala

    17. Mr Rashid Bakhla

    18. Mr Asif Kas

    19. Mr Altaf Shivani

    20. Mr Aamir Vakil

    21. Mr Taufiq Kapadia

    22. Mr Yusuf Sakarwala

    23. Mr Ayub Memon

    24. Mr Shafi Niyama

    25. Mr Mansoor Zariwala

    26. Mr Siddik Kapadia

    27. Mr Siraj Dosani

    28. Mr Hanif Lulania

    29. Mr Javed Ahmed

    30. Mr Anis Bhura

    31. Mr Hanif Allahwala

    32. Mr Abdul Aziz Hasham

    33. Mr Majid Shaikh (Indo Arab)

    34. Mr Nabi Akhtar Qureshi (Indo Arab)

    35. Mr Imran Motorwala

    36. Mr Farook Ansari

    37. Mr Rukhsana Mehsaria

    38. Ms Mehzabin Batliwala

    39. Mr Firoz Khan

    40. Adv Tarannum Mirza

    41. Ms Shabina Sayed

    42. Mr Salim Dada

    43. Mr Afzal Adenwala

    44. Mr Ibrahim Yusuf

    45. Mr Mustafa Pandrowala

    46. Mr Ayaaz Naviwala

    • Mr Imran Fruitwala delivered welcome address & greeted all the members present.

    • All the Guest were felicitated with Guard of Honour by Burhani Guards.

    • Mr Iqbal Memon Officer highlighted the great dedicated services rendered by Memon Community for Independence of India

    • India National Flag was hoisted by Mr Iqbal Memon Officer, Mrs Afreen Shaikh (Corporator) & various prominent members.

    • All the Guests were gifted with Brunch Box

    • Function was covered by Life Ok News & Memon Times Channel alongwith bite of prominent members.

    15th May 2023 - USA
    All India Memon Jamat Federation President (AIMJF) & Founder of World Memon Day Council, Mr. Iqbal Memon Officer visit to USA - 2023.

    On 15th May 2023, in honor of Mr. Iqbal Memon Officer, A Get-together program was organized by Mr. Mehraj Tahir Mitha (Board member of Memon Premier League [MPL] ) at his residence. Numerous Memons of Dallas were present, on this occasion Memon Association of North Texas (MANT), Memon Premier League (MPL) and Dallas Memon Jamat, Tx (DMT) memons graced the get-together program.

    In the presence of the MANT President & Board members, New World Memon Day Ambassadors were appointed, Mrs. Zahid Bai Toufiq Ahmed & Mr. Fawad Lakhani from Dallas, TX, USA were felicitated with a certificate of appointment as Ambassador of the World Memon Day Council from Dallas by the hands of Mr. Iqbal Memon Officer.

    Also, Memon Association of North Texas Women's League members graced the program in large numbers.

    Mr. Iqbal Memon Officer presented the brief report and activities which is been carried out in large numbers by the All India Memon Jamat Federation & briefed the motive of Celebrating World Memon Day on 11 April by bringing all the memons around the world under one platform irrespective of any countries by rendering services to the society and community.

    Members present agreed to participate in the celebration of 11 April World Memon Day.

    Members presented their views on AIMJF & WMD and appreciated it.

    MPL Board members invited Mr. Iqbal Memon Officer to attend as a Chief Guest of the World Cup Cricket Tournament which is scheduled for July 2024.

    Members discussed and suggested on numerous subjects for the betterment, unity, and cooperation in the Memon Community.

    The meeting was followed by a delicious dinner.

    Thursday, 23/02/2023
    NEC Meeting & Get Together Program Was Organized By AIMJF On Saturday 6th May 2023 In Mumbai.



    Thursday, 23/02/2023
    ALL INDIA MEMON JAMAT FEDERATION - GET TOGETHER – 23/02/2023 – Hotel Regal Palace, Mumbai


    'Get-Together Function' of 'All India Memon Jamat Federation' (AIMJF) was held on Thursday, 23/02/2023 at 7.30 pm in Hotel Regal Palace, Opera House, Mumbai.

    • Mrs Rizwana Punjani & Mr Imran Fruitwala compeered the function.
    • 200 (approx.) Members were present including prominent dignitaries of community.
    • Function was commenced with recitation of verses from the Holy Quran by Hafiz Yasin Asif Officer and translation by Mr Talha Asif Officer.
    • Mr Imran Fruitwala & Mrs Rizwana Punjani delivered welcome address & greeted the members present.
    • AIMJF Anthem & Memon Times Anthem was played.
    • Mr Iqbal Memon Officer presented Documentary in English & Urdu showing the activities & various schemes of AIMJF in detail. He further stated that the AIMJF is taking utmost care while disbursing the funds that 'SACHHO RAHI NA VINE ANE KHOTO KHATI NA VINE'
    • Main aim of AIMJF is that Memon Zakat Taker should become Zakat Giver. Unity is strength of community and people should work collectively with co-operation & concentrated efforts. HAYAT LEKE CHALO . . . . . KAYENAT LEKE CHALO . . . . . CHALO TO SAARE ZAMANE KO SAATH LEKE CHALO MAY ALMIGHTY ALLAH GIVE US ALL BEST AJAR, AMEEN. JAZAKALLAH KHAIR.
    • Speech with regard to Fund Appeal was given by following members:-

      1) Adv Yusuf Abrahani

      2) Mr Qazim Malik

      3) Mr Iqbal Memon Officer

      4) Mr Nizamuddin Raeen

      5) Mrs Razia bai Chasmawala

      6) Mr Anwar Noorie

    • Zakat Appeal of AIMJF was inaugurated by the hands of Hazrat Sufi Farook, Mr Iqbal Memon Officer, Adv Yusuf Abrahani, Mr Rashid Darbar, Mr Asif Abbajumma, Mr Imran Fruitwala, Mr Aziz Machiwala, Mr Shakir Batliwala, Mr Shakil Batliwala, Mr Yusuf Malkani, Mrs Farida Bai Agboatwala, Mrs Razia Bai Chasmawala, Mrs Memuna Hasan Darvesh, Mrs Zubedabai Khandwani, Mrs Rizwana Punjani, Mrs Zebunnisa Millwala, Mrs Nasima Surty, Mrs Sheherbanu Gullar, Mr Nizamuddin Raeen, Mr Imran Alvi, Mr Aftab Badshah, Mr Shoaib Khatib, Mr Hasan Darvesh, Mr Suhail Khandwani, Mr Baba Sopariwala, Mr V R Shariff, Mr Anwar Noorie, Mr Anwar Pishori, Mr Salim Merchant etc.
    • Mr Imran Fruitwala stated that Youth Wing of AIMJF is trying hard to assist the community in all possible ways to eradicate the poverty from community.
    • Thereafter AIMJF Youth Wing APP & Web-based Portal of the Young Memon Enterpreneurs Club was launched by all the members present.
    • Following members were felicitated with Shawl for sponsoring Get Together Function

      1) Mr Afzal Sopariwala

      2) Mr Siraj Darbar

      3) Mr Amin Ajmeri

    • Mr Aziz Machiwala conveyed vote of thanks & function dispersed at 11 pm with Dua E Khair followed by Dinner.


    THURSDAY, 26/01/2023

    THURSDAY, 26/01/2023



    Youth Wing of ‘All India Memon Jamat Federation’ celebrated Republic Day on Thursday, 26/01/2023 at 11.00 am in the AIMJF Office Ground, Beg Mohammed Park, Narayan Dhuru Street, Mumbai – 3.

    • Mr Imran Fruitwala compeered and welcomed all the guests
    • Function was commenced with National Anthem & Memon Anthem
    • Prominent dignitaries of all community were present.
    • India National Flag was hoisted by Mr Iqbal Memon Officer, Mr Aziz Machiwala, Mr Asif Abbajumma, Mr Imran Fruitwala, Mr Yusuf Malkani, Mrs Afreen Shaikh (Ex Municipal Corporator), Mr Amin Ajmeri, Mr Siraj Darbar, Mr Salim Isani (Hyderabad) etc.
    • Innumerous prominent Members of all Community were present viz Mr Iqbal Memon Officer, Mr Aziz Machiwala, Mr Asif Abbajumma, Mr Imran Fruitwala, Yusuf Malkani, Mrs Afreen Shaikh (Ex Municipal Corporator), Mr Salim Isani (Hyderabad), Mr Salim Merchant, Mr Sajid Sopariwala, Dr Abdur Razzak Holy, Mr Amin Ajmeri, Mr Siraj Darbar, Dr Moin Holy, Mr Taufiq Kapadia, Mr Iqbal Noorani, Mr Shafi Niyama, Mr Badshah Bhai, Mr Rashid Bakhla, Mr Sajid Sopariwala, Mr Rashid Bakhla, Mr Siraj Dosani, Mrs Sheena Darvesh, Mr Mansoor Zariwala, Mr Sarfaraz Sayyed (AAP), Ms Rukhsana Menasia (AAP), Mr Imran Mulla (AAP), Mr Hassan Ali (AAP), Mr Tayab Arsiwala (AAP), Adv Tarannum Khan (AAP), Mr Taj Qureshi and various other dignitaries of community were present.
    • All the members were welcomed with Guard of Honour by Scout of Burhani Guard.
    • Mr Iqbal Memon Officer highlighted the great dedicated services rendered by Memon Community for Independence of India
    • On behalf of AIMJF & 501 Halai Memon Jamats Chadar was presented to be offered to Holy shrine of Hazrat Khwaja Garib Nawaz Moinuddin Chisti (Rehmatullah Alaihe) on the occasion of 6th Rajab on 28/01/2023.
    • Mr Mohammed Nizam from Mauritius (east Africa) brought a handmade worked Chadar to be offered to Holy shrine of Hazrat Khwaja Garib Nawaz Moinuddin Chisti (Rehmatullah Alaihe) on the occasion of 6th Rajab on 28/01/2023.
    • Mr Mohammed Nizam also recited Naat in honour of Nabi e Paak & Khwaja Garib Nawaz.
    • Prominent members given their bite appreciating the event.
    • All the members were honoured with Brunch Box.
    • Above event was covered by Memon Times News
    • Function was dispersed at 1.30 pm


    Sunday, 15/01/2023















    NYMC P K







    Tournament was played under the guidance of :-


    Mr ASIF ABBAJUMMA (Chairman - AIMJF Sports Wing)

    Mr SHAKIL BATLIWALA (Dy Chairman - AIMJF Sports Wing)

    Managed By
















    Saturday, 24/12/22
    24/12/22 Halai Memon Jamat Bangalore hosted the meeting in the honour of President Iqbal Memon Officer & Youth Wing Chairman Imran Fruitwalla.


    It was a gathering of elite memon of bangalore who are selflessly working for the comminity betterment.

    • Mr Issaq Bhusawala (Trustee)

    • Mr Aziz Sait

    • Mr Hanif (HM Group)

    • Mr Munavvar Jaliyawala

    • Mr Almas Baba HLT

    • Mr Hanif Thara

    • Mr Ibrahim Getha

    • Mr Sadiq Gheta

    • Mr Aadil Aziz Sait

    • Mr Rafik Barwatiya (zon Sec)

    • Mr Iqbal Noorani (zon sec)

    • And many more prominent personalities and also Youth Wing & Ladies Wing Members.

    Sunday, 11-12-2022













    Sunday, 16/10/2022
    Mr ASIF ABBAJUMMA & MR SHAKIL BATLIWALA attended the Sahil Gondal Premier League Season 2 organized by Gondal Memon Youth Wing.


    On Sunday, 16/10/2022, “Sahil Gondal Premier League Season II Tournament” was organized brilliantly by Gondal Memon Youth Wing at The Sports Turf Club, Wadala East, Mumbai.

    Mr Asif Abbajumma (Chairman – AIMJF Sports Wing), Mr Shakil Batliwala (Dy Chairman – AIMJF Sports Wing) and Mr Javed Parekh (WMO City Chairman & AIMJF NEC Member) were present as a ‘Guest of Honour’.

    • The said Tournament was Sponsored by Sahil Plastics Pvt Ltd.
    • Tournament was played between 8 teams as mentioned below:-

      1. Gondal Strikers

      2. Gondal Hard Hitlers

      3. Gondal Master Blaster

      4. Gondal Warriors

      5. Gondal Super Star

      6. Gondal Challengers

      7. Gondal Titans

      8. Gondal Force One

    • Finale was played between Gondal Warriors (Captain Zaid Kudia) and Gondal Hard Hitlers (Captain Imran Bumbia)
    • Gondal Hard Hitlers won the tournament and Gondal Warriors stood at runner up & both the teams were felicitated with trophies.
    • Mr Asif Abbajumma congratulated all the players & thanked Mr Iqbal Memon Officer for encouraging & motivating all the Committees / Wings of AIMJF. He also thanked Ashraf Bhai Bumbia, Abdul Kadar Bhai Kudia, Uzair Bhai Kudia & entire team of Gondal Memon Youth Wing for organizing such a wonderful tournament.
    • He further stated that Sports event plays an important role in creating unity & awareness in community which also empowers to execute community upliftment programmes with co-operation & concentrated efforts.
    • Mr Abdul Gaffar Kudia was awarded with trophy of the Man of the Series and Best Batting in the entire series and Mustafa Hasan was awarded with the trophy of Best Bowler.
    • Alhamdulillah, the said tournament was professionally managed by Ashraf Bhai Bumbia, Abdul Kadar Bhai Kudia, Uzair Bhai Kudia & entire team of Gondal Memon Youth Wing and they also expressed their gratitude to all the guests and teams that participated in the event.
    • Guest of Honour were felicitated with Memento.


    MONDAY, 15/08/2022


    National Executive Committee Meeting of AIMJF was held on Thursday, 12th May, 2022 at 7 pm in the office of AIMJF.

    Youth Wing of ‘All India Memon Jamat Federation’ celebrated Independence Day on Monday, 15/08/2022 at 10.30 am in Beg Mohammed Park, Narayan Dhuru Street, Mumbai – 400 003.

    150 (Approx) members were present including following prominent Members:-

    • Mr Iqbal Memon Officer
    • Mr Aziz Machhiwala
    • Mr Shakir Batliwala
    • Mr Asif Abbajumma
    • Mrs Razia Bai Chasmawala
    • Mr Imran Fruitwala
    • Mr Shakil Batliwala
    • Mrs Nasima Surty
    • Mr Umar Adenwala
    • Mrs Sheherbanoo Gullar
    • Mr Umar Lakdawala (Congress Leader)
    • Mrs Afreen Shaikh (Corporator)
    • Mr Anwar Pishori
    • Mr Salim Merchant
    • Mr Asif Iqbal Officer
    • Mr Saleem Nagani
    • Mr Imran Alwi
    • Mr Imran Mulla
    • Mr Taufiq Kapadia
    • Mr Kadar Perfumewala
    • Mrs Mumtaz Perfumewala
    • Dr A Razzak Holy
    • Mr Majid Biba
    • Mr Suleman Surya
    • Ms Aysha Dhorajiwala
    • Mr Amaan Kolsawala
    • Mr Salim Furniturewala
    • Mr Yusuf Sakarwala
    • Mr Ibrahim Batliwala
    • Mr Yusuf Dokadia
    • Mr Shafi Niyama
    • Mr Shafi Kapadia
    • Mr Abdul Kadar Sopariwala
    • Mr Yusuf Malkani
    • Mr Wahab Machiwala
    • Mr Qayum Machiwala
    • Mr Taher Mitha
    • Mr Rashid Bakhla
    • Mr Farook Adhlakhiya
    • Mr Ali Adhlakhiya
    • Mr Rashid Kapadia
    • Mr Mansoor Zariwala
    • Mr Siddik Kapadia
    • Dr Asif Pochi
    • Mr Sohail Pochi
    • Mr Asif Memon
    • Mrs Anam Memon
    • Prof Jameel Kamil
    • Dr Syed Ahmed Iqbal
    • Mr Mansoor Khan
    • Mr ismail Batliwala
    • Mr Nooruddin Sevwala
    • Mr Aziz Sevwala
    • Mr Tayeb Arsiwala
    • Mr Rizwan Kapadia
    • Mr Afzal Sopariwala
    • Mr Ebrahim Jada
    • Mr Salim Bhati (Working President – JDS)
    • Mr Munaf Dadan (JDS)
    • Mr Wakil Ahmed Khan (JDS)
    • Mr Javed Pathan, (JDS)
    • Mr Sankhe Avinash, (JDS)
    • Mr Mirza Baig (JDS)
    • Mr Jamiluddin Khurram
    • Mr Md Ahmed Qadri
    • Ms Sheena Darvesh
    • Ms Sameera Merani
    • Ms Fauziya Shaikh

    • Special Guest

      1) Mr Afzal Thekiya, UK

      2) Mrs Reshma Shaikh, UK

      3) Mr Ayaan Thekya, UK

    • Mr Imran Fruitwala delivered welcome address & greeted all the members present.
    • The entire Guest was felicitated with Guard of Honour by Burhani Guards.
    • Mr Iqbal Memon Officer highlighted the great dedicated services rendered by Memon Community for Independence of India
    • India National Flag was hoisted by Mr Iqbal Memon Officer, Mr Afzal Thekya, Mrs Razia Bai Chasmawala, Mrs Afreen Shaikh (Corporator), Mr Umar Lakdawala & various prominent members.
    • Memon Times Special Issue on the occasion of 75th Independence Day was launched
    • Mr Afzal Thekya felicitated Mr Iqbal Memon Officer with Memento & Shawl on behalf of IMO UK Chapter
    • Mr Sheena Darvesh, Ms Sameera Merani & Ms Fauziya Shaikh felicitated Mr Iqbal Memon Officer with Shawl on behalf of Silent Helpers Foundation.
    • Mr Afzal Thekya & Mrs Reshma Shaikh were felicitated with shawl.
    • All the Guests were gifted with Brunch Box
    • Function was covered by SCN News & Memon Times Channel alongwith bite of prominent members.
    • Function was dispersed at 1.00 pm



    Thursday, 21/07/2022
    ALL INDIA MEMON JAMAT FEDERATION - Felicitation of Shri Rahul Narwekar (Hon'ble Speaker of Maharashtra Legislative Assembly)


    On 21/07/2022, delegation of AIMJF viz Mr. Iqbal Memon Officer, Mr. Shakir Batliwala, Mr Anwar Pishori, Mr. Mansoor Darvesh, Mr. Janu Farid Batatawala, Mr. Farook Adhlakhiya, Mr Rashid Kapadia & Mr. Iqbal Chunwala felicitated SHRI RAHUL NARWEKAR Ji (Hon'ble Speaker of Maharashtra Legislative Assembly) with Safron Turban & Bouquet at Vidhan Bhavan, Mumbai.

    Mr Iqbal Memon Officer appraised him about the activities of AIMJF.

    Saturday, 16/07/2022


    On 16/07/2022, Mr Iqbal Memon Officer, Mr Aziz Machiwala & Mr Yusuf Malkani visited Saifee Hospital & signed MoU with Dr. Hardik Ajmera (Medical Director) & Ms. Tasneem Fidvi (Assistant Director - Administration) with regard to tie up of AIMJF with Saifee Hospital with regard to discount in Medical/ Health Services to patients referred by AIMJF.

    • Discount offered by Saifee Hospital for patients referred by AIMJF shall be as mentioned below:
    • 10% discount on health check-up packages;
    • 15% discount on all diagnostic tests done on OPD basis (including MRI and - 15% CT scan) excluding tests done outside the Hospital;
    • 15% discount on net value of the Hospital Inpatient bill excluding the cost of medicines, implants, prothesis, surgical consumables, medical materials and doctor charges;
    • 50% discount on Yoga;
    • 25% discount on Gymnasium;
    • 20% discount on Ayurveda;
    • Members wish to avail discount may contact AIMJF Office & get the recommendation letter.


    Saturday, 25/06/2022


    Mr Haji Amin A Qadir Munshi, prominent Businessman from Dhaka Bangladesh visited AIMJF Office on 25/06/2022 at 3pm.

    • Mr Iqbal Memon Officer appraised him about the activities of AIMJF.
    • He further felicitated him with Shawl.
    • Mrs Razia Bai Chasmwala, Mrs Nasima Bai Surty, Mrs Nasreen Maklai & Mr Rauf Hasanfatta were also present.
    • Mr Haji Amin Bhai appreciated the activities of AIMJF & assured his cooperation and support to AIMJF towards its social cause.



    WEDNESDAY, 01/06/2022


    A Felicitation Function was held on Wednesday, 1st June, 2022 at 8.00 pm in the office of AIMJF.

    Following Members were present :-

    • Mr Iqbal Memon Officer
    • Mr Aziz Machiwala
    • Mr Shakir Batliwala
    • Mrs Razia Bai Chasmawala
    • Mr Baba Bhai Sopariwala
    • Mr Imran Fruitwala
    • Mr Shakil Batliwala
    • Mr Umar Adenwala
    • Mrs Nasima Surty
    • Mr Irfan Master
    • Mr Aftab Badshah
    • Mr Amin Ajmeri
    • Mr Rehman Bhai
    • Mr Anwar Pishori
    • Mr Salim Merchant
    • Mr A Latif Batliwala
    • Mr Yusuf Sakarwala
    • Mr Ayyub Memon
    • Mr Haji Riyaz Memon
    • Mr Aziz Sandha
    • Mr Yusuf Malkani
    • Mr Shakeel Tinwala
    • Mr Rashid Bakhla
    • Mr Janu Farid Batatawala
    • Mr Salim Sopariwala
    • Mr Yasin Vindhani
    • Mr Taher Mitha
    • Mr Abdul Kadar Sopariwala
    • Mr Mohammed Asif Memon
    • Mr Rafik Bhojani
    • Mr Salim Nagani
    • Dr Irfan Ajmeri
    • Mr Hamza Khan
    • Mr Kaif Bhojani
    • Mrs Ayesha Kingwala
    • Mrs Salma Maklai


      1. Mr Javid Molvi, LA USA (Ambassador – World Memon Day Council & President – Memon Organization of North America – MONA)

      2. Mr Anjum A Latif Batliwala, Dallas Texas USA

      3. Mr Hasham A Latif Batliwala, Dallas Texas USA

      4. Mr Shakir A Latif Batliwala, Dallas Texas USA

      5. Mrs Shagufta Fruitwala Lakhani, Chicago USA

      6. Mrs Seemin Javid Moulvi, LA USA

      7. Miss Aafiya Javid Moulvi, LA USA

    • Meeting was commenced with recitation of verses from the Holy Quran by Mr. Aziz Sandha
    • Mr Imran Fruitwala commenced the programme
    • Mrs Razia Bai Chasmawala delivered welcome address and greeted all the special guests and members present.
    • She also gave brief intro of Mr Javed Moulvi and stated that he is actively involved in social services in LA, she also introduced all other special guests.
    • She further appraised the special guest about the activities of AIMJF and informed that Mr Iqbal Memon Officer has achived a milstone in social services for others to follow, he invented many programmes and acivities viz Memon Day, AIMJF Anthem, Coffee Table Book, Memon Times, Memon Times Anthem etc including various activities for all irrespective of caste, creed & religion i.e. Kokan Relief Work, Skill Development Centre in Jail, Ramzan Iftaar, Covid Relief Work etc.
    • Members present noted & appreciated the same
    • Mr Iqbal Memon Officer stated that Alhamdulillah, due to selfless, dedicated members he is able to do service to humanity that too with cooperation & coordation without any dispute or personal agenda. He further requested all to strengthen the hands of AIMJF with their kind contribution of Zakat & Lillah amount.
    • Thereafter Documentary of AIMJF, Memon Anthem and work done by Mr Javid Moulvi in LA USA were shown via LED presentation.


      • Following special guest were felicitated with Memeto & Shawl :-

      1) Mr Javid Molvi, LA USA (Ambassador – World Memon Day Council & President – Memon Organization of North America – MONA)

      2) Mr Anjum A Latif Batliwala, Dallas Texas USA

      3) Mr Hasham A Latif Batliwala, Dallas Texas USA

      4) Mr Shakir A Latif Batliwala, Dallas Texas USA

      5) Mrs Shagufta Fruitwala Lakhani, Chicago USA

      6) Mrs Seemin Javid Moulvi, LA USA

      7) Miss Aafiya Javid Moulvi, LA USA

      8) Memon Organization of North America – MONA

    • Mr Javid Moulvi appreciated the activities of AIMJF and assured to assist AIMJF at its possible extent.
    • Mr Javid Moulvi, Mr Iqbal Memon Officer, Mr Anjum Batliwala, Mr Hasham Batliwala & Mr Shakir Batliwala gave their bites to news channel.
    • Function was dispersed at 11.30 pm with Dinner & vote of thanks



    TUESDAY, 17/05/2022


    A Felicitation Function was held on Tuesday, 17th May, 2022 at 9.00 pm in the office of AIMJF to felicitate Mr MOHAMMED FAIZAL (MP from NCP – Union Territory of Lakshadweep).

    Following Members were present :-

    • Mr Iqbal Memon Officer
    • Mr Aziz Machiwala
    • Mrs Razia Bai Chasmawala
    • Mrs Nasima Surty
    • Mr Salim Merchant
    • Mr Anwar Pishori
    • Mr Yusuf Sakarwala
    • Mr Ayyub Memon
    • Mr Haji Riyaz Memon
    • Mr Asif Kas
    • Mr Aziz Sandha
    • Mr Yusuf Malkani
    • Mr Taufik Kapadia
    • Mr Kadar Perfumewala
    • Mrs Mumtaz Perfumewala
    • Mr Shakeel Tinwala
    • Mr Siddik Kapadia
    • Mr Shafi Niyama
    • Mr Farid Batatawala
    • Mr Anwar Nagaria
    • Mr Salim Sopariwala
    • Mr Noormohammed Keshodwala
    • Mr Shafi Kapadia
    • Mr Raihan Reshamwala
    • Mr Sameer Merchant


      1. Mr Mohammed Faizal (MP from NCP – Union Territory of Lakshadweep)

      2. Mr Nasim Siddique (Ex Chairman – Minority Commission)

      3. Mr Nizamuddin Raeen (Spokesperson – Congress – Maharashtra Region)

      4. Mr Farook Sayed (Gul Boote)

      5. Mr Nuruddin Sevwala (Burhani Foundation)

      6. Mr Farid Khan

      7. Mr Mohammed Haim

    • Meeting was commenced with recitation of verses from the Holy Quran by Mr. Aziz Machiwala.
    • Mrs Razia Bai Chasmawala delivered welcome address and greeted Mr Mohammed Faizal (MP – Lakshdweep) and all the members present. She also gave brief intro of Mr Mohammed Faizal that he is an Indian politician and social worker who has been serving as Member of Parliament, Lok Sabha from Union Territory of Lakshadweep since 2014. He was elected as the party whip of the Nationalist Congress Party in the 16th Lok Sabha.
    • Mr Mohammed Faizal was a social worker and business advisor before he was elected to the Parliament of India. He campaigned on a platform of increasing employment, ensuring the livelihoods of fishermen, providing improved healthcare, improving the standards of life of the common man and promoting the island's tourist industry. During the period 2014–2016, he was a member of the Standing Committee on Transport, Tourism and Culture, and the Consultative Committee of the Ministry of Home Affairs.
    • In May 2019, he was re-elected as a member of parliament to the 17th Lok Sabha representing Lakshadweep and is a member of Standing Committee on Personnel, Public Grievances, Law and Justice. On 13 September 2019, he became a member of the Consultative Committee of the Ministry of Minority Affairs.

      Members present noted & appreciated the same
    • Mr Aziz Machiwala gave brief intro with regard to the activities of AIMJF and stated that the AIMJF is a registered organization engaged in Housing Help, Medical Help, Women Empowerment, Matrimonial Services, Relief Work etc for the welfare and wellbeing of entire society.
    • He also stated that Mr Iqbal Memon Officer is attached to AIMJF since last so many years and he is well known in all community doing social work for all irrespective of caste, creed and religion. He created awareness for good in community and also formed various committees i.e Sports Wing, Youth Wing, Medical Wing, Ladies Wing, Matrimonial Wing, Disaster Management Wing etc who are functioning well and doing all possible efforts for society.
    • All applications for help are placed in fortnightly meeting for discussion and sanction with transparency and approval of all members without any bias.
    • Mr Iqbal Memon Officer thanked Mr Mohammed Faizal for devoting his valuable time and attending today’s felicitation function. He further stated that AIMJF is also started Skill Development Centre in Dongri Rehabilitation Centre for childrens of petty crimes so that they may learn the skill and live their life respectfully.

      Following members delivered speech

      1) Mr Nasim Siddique (Ex Chairman – Minority Commission)

      2) Mr Nizamuddin Raeen (Spokesperson – Congress – Maharashtra Region)

      3) Mr Salim Alware (Chairman – Kokan Forum)

      4) Mr Farook Sayed (Gul Boote)

      5) Mr Nuruddin Sevwala (Burhani Foundation)

    • Mr Mohammed Faizal appreciated the activities of AIMJF and stated that this is his 12th visit in Mumbai and first time he is met with such a people of organization who all are involved in community services & humanitarian services for the welfare & wellbeing.
    • He invited all for Lakshdweep visit and stated that population of Lakshadweep is 70,000 with 96% literacy ratio and zero% crime with empty jails. Lakshadweep is famous for fisheries, coconut & tourism business.
    • Members present noted & appreciated the people of Lakshadweep.

      Mr Iqbal Memon Officer felicitated below mentioned dignitaries with shawl.

      1) Mr Mohammed Faizal (MP from NCP – Union Territory of Lakshadweep)

      2) Mr Nasim Siddique (Ex Chairman – Minority Commission)

      3) Mr Nizamuddin Raeen (Spokesperson – Congress – Maharashtra Region)

      4) Mr Salim Alware (Chairman – Kokan Forum)

      5) Mr Farook Sayed (Gul Boote)

      6) Mr Nuruddin Sevwala (Burhani Foundation)

    • Function was dispersed at 11.30 pm with Dinner &a vote of thanks


    2nd may 2022
    ALL INDIA MEMON JAMAT FEDERATION - Conclusion Dua for Sponsors of Dawat E Iftaar


    2nd may 2022 =30th & Last Roza Iftar at All India Memon Jamat Federation Premises Special Dua for all donors,


    Munir Aziz kidi, Munnawar yunus Jhaliawala, Shabbir Masa, Farook Ali Mohd, Yaqub Gazi, Moosa Tikki, Kader perfumewala and Iqbal memon Officer and all other donors,

    May Allah reward immensely all for their generous contribution, jazakallah khair, insha Allah next year we will do in more better way

    Friday, 29/04/2022 "Dawat e Iftaar"
    ALL INDIA MEMON JAMAT FEDERATION - Visit of dignified Police Officers in "Dawat e Iftaar" - 29/04/2022


    Alhamdulillah, Ramzan Roza Iftaar arrangement is being managed by 'All India Memon Jamat Federation' from 03/04/2022 in Beg Mohammed Park, Narayan Dhuru Street, Mumbai, started with 300 Iftaar Parcels on 1st Roza, gradually increased as per crowd and now reached upto 700 persons on daily basis.


    • On Friday, 29/04/2022 following dignified Police Officers visited aforesaid IFTAAR at 6.30 pm

      1) Mr Dilip Sawant IPS (Additional CP)

      2) Mr Neelotpal IPS (DCP)

      3) Mr Samir Shaikh (ACP)

      4) Mr Shrikant Rajaram Patil (Sr PI Pydhonie Police Station)

    • Hon'ble Police Commissioner of Mumbai Shri Sanjay Pandey - IPS could not able to attend due to certain unavoidable circumstances / emergencies.

    • Other following dignitaries were also present:-

      1) Mr Raj Purohit (Ex MLA)

      2) Mr Mangesh Bhoir (Cyber Br)

      3) Ms Preeti Menon (Spokesperson - Aam Aadmi Party)

      4) Mr Rashid Azim (President - All India Milli Council)

    • Mr Imran Fruitwala extended warm welcome & greeted all the guests individually with their names
    • Mr Nizamuddin Raeen emphasize about the spirit of Roza / Fasting and its spiritual & health related importance among mankind.
    • Mrs Razia Bai Chasmawala delivered welcome address & brief the activities of AIMJF.
    • Mr Iqbal Memon Officer felicitated aforesaid all the dignitaries with shawl and thanked them for their kind courtesy visit to witness the said occasion of communal peace, Prosperity & harmony.
    • Programme was dispersed at 8.30 pm followed by Maghrib Salat & Dinner.



    Saturday, 23/04/2022
    ALL INDIA MEMON JAMAT FEDERATION "Visit of Mr Imran Husain - Hon'ble Minister of Food & Civil Supplies & Consumer Affairs and Election, Govt of NCT (National Capital Territory) of Delhi + MLA from Ballimaran, Delhi (Aam Aadmi Party) in RAMZAN ROZA IFTAAR" 23/04/2022


    Alhamdulillah, Ramzan Roza Iftaar arrangement is being managed by 'All India Memon Jamat Federation' from 03/04/2022 in Beg Mohammed Park, Narayan Dhuru Street, Mumbai for 500 persons on daily basis who are visiting Nakhuda Mohalla, Pydhonie for Shopping.

    • On Saturday, 23/04/2022 following dignitaries visited aforesaid IFTAAR at 6.30 pm

      1) Mr Imran Husain - Hon'ble Minister of Food & Civil Supplies & Consumer Affairs and Election, Govt of NCT (National Capital Territory) of Delhi + MLA from Ballimara, Delhi (Aam Aadmi Party)

      2) Dr Sayed Ahmed Iqbal - Chancellor Halima Aziz University, Manipur

      3) Mr Chaudhary Riyazuddin - (Vice President Aam Aadmi Party)

      4) Mr Himanshu - (Aam Aadmi Party)

    • Other following dignitaries were also present:-

      1) Mr Iqbal Memon Officer

      2) Dr M A Patankar

      3) Mr Yusuf Malkani

    • Mr Iqbal Memon Officer welcomed the aforesaid dignitaries and felicitated them with Shawl & also presented Souvenir of AIMJF & Ramadhan issue of Memon Times.
    • He also appraised them about the activities of AIMJF & briefed them about the history of Memon Community.
    • Mr Imran Husain - Hon'ble Minister appreciated the activities of AIMJF and great social services being rendered by them since decades.
    • He also invited Mr Iqbal Memon Officer with his delegation in New Delhi.
    • Dr Patankar briefed about the social activities of Mr Iqbal Memon Officer
    • Mr Iqbal Memon also felicitated Mr Imran Husain with Memoni Cap.



    "MEMON DAY" Celebration - 11/04/2022


    "Memon Day" was celebrated on Monday, 11/04/2022 at 6 pm in the AIMJF Office Ground, Beg Mohammed Park, Narayan Dhuru Street, Mumbai - 3.

    • Programme was commenced with recitation of verses from the Holy Quran followed by Memon Anthem
    • Mr Imran Fruitwala delivered the welcome address.
    • Mr Iqbal Memon Officer briefed the gathering about MEMON DAY and emphasize about UNITY and BROTHERHOOD in community. He also appreciated all Jamats & Individuals who have celebrated Memon Day all over world by executing social / charitable task.
    • He further stated that Alhamdulillah, MEMON DAY is now celebrated all over world. In India 500 Memon Jamats celebrates Memon Day on 11th April & all Memon Individuals & Organizations gathers on single platform to witness the richness of Unity, Understanding & Brotherhood.
    • Memon Day Flag was hoisted at 6.30 pm
    • Mr Majid Ladhani from Daman was appointed as a Zonal Secretary of AIMJF Daman Zone and Convener - Media Committee of AIMJF.
    • Mr Iqbal Memon Officer appreciated the social services being rendered by Majid Bhai Ladhani.
    • IFTAAR was arranged for all the guests.
    • Maghrib Salat was offered in Ground with Jamat.
    • Ramadhan Special Issue was launched by the hands of all guest.
    • Mr Iqbal Memon Officer was felicitated with Shawl & Letter of Congratulation from Mr Mohammed Farouk Suleman Darvesh for initiating concept of MEMON DAY thus to give due recognition to Memon Community @ worldwide.
    • Prominent members express their views through bites to News Channels.
    • Programme was covered by prominent news channels.
    • Programme was dispersed at 8.15 pm

    Memon Day 11th April


    Ramzan Eid Dress & Sweets Distribution Drive in Orphanage on Memon Day 11th April at Darul Yatama Orphanage (Bhendi Bazar, Mumbai)

    The following Youths were present:-

    • Mr Imran Fruitwalla
    • Mr Altaf holy
    • Mr Amaan Masalawala
    • Ms Salma Memon
    • Mr Wasim Naviwala
    • Mr Yasin Asif Memon
    • Mr Aamir Memon
    • Mr Farid Sopariwala
    • Mr Gaffar Merchant
    • Mr Talha Asif Memon

    • Program dispersed with joy and happiness on the faces of the kids.


    Thursday, 24/03/2022
    "ALL INDIA MEMON JAMAT FEDERATION" (AIMJF) – SPORTS WING ‘Cricket Tournament’ Thursday, 24/03/2022

    Managed By : Bilimora Young Memon Circle


    Sports Wing of All India Memon Jamat Federation organized 2 days ‘Cricket Tournamnet’ in Bilimora on Wednesday, 23/03/2022 & Thursday, 24/03/2022 in the Ground at Chikhli Rankuva, Harangaon, Bilimora.

    • The tournament was managed by Bilimora Young Memon Circle in a professional way with proper discipline & decorum.
    • All Matches were Live Streamed via Youtube.
    • 300 (approx) people including Team Players, Spectators were present.



      1) Mr Shakil Batliwala

      2) Mr Haji Umar Adenwala

      3) Mr Hasham Dokadia

      4) Mr Rizwan Kapadia

      5) Mr Abu Bhai Pothiywala (Surat)

      6) Mr Hamza Dokadia

      7) Mr Mohammed Hussain Abbajumma


      1) Mr Asif Barodawala (AIMJF Zonal Secretary)

      2) Mr Yusuf Bhagarwala (Corporator)

      3) Mr Gani Memon (President – Bilimora Memon Jamat)

      4) Mr Hanif Taj

      5) Mr Ezaz Bhagarwala

      6) Mr Haroon Memon

      7) Mr Nakib Bawa

      8) Adv Nadim Memon


      Mr Sohel Memon


      a) Mr Rahil Memon

      b) Mr Sohel Memon &

      All Team Members of Bilimora Young Memon Committee

    • 12 Teams from All over India participated in this tournament.
    • Trophies & Mementos were sponsored by Sports Wing of AIMJF
    • Four Teams reached Semi-Final viz

      1) Kismat 11 Bilimora

      2) WMO Bhavnagar

      3) Upleta 11

      4) Lanjha 11.

    • First Semi-final

      1) WMO Bhavnagar vs Upleta 11

      2) Upleta 11 in First Innings Scored 97/7

      3) WMO Bhavnagar Scored 61/5 in Second Innings.

      Man Of The Match was Imran Tili

    • Final - Between Upleta 11 vs Lanjha 11

      1) Upleta Scored 63/6 Batting First

      2) Lanjha Scored 64/4 Batting Second

      Man Of The Match Danish Isani

    • Runner Up :-

      • Upleta 11

    • Winner :-

      • Lanjha 11
    • Mr Asif Abbajumma congratulated all the players & thanked Mr Iqbal Memon Officer for always encouraging & motivating all the Committees / Wings of AIMJF.

      He also conveyed live message of Mr Iqbal Memon Officer who was in Madurai to attend social event of Al Wara Hospital managed by Gausiya Foundation

      He also thanked Mr Rahil Memon, Mr Sohail Memon & all the team members of Bilimora Young Memon Circle for organizing such a wonderful tournament in a professional way and kind hospitality.

      He further stated that Sports plays an important role in creating unity & awareness in community which also empowers to execute community upliftment programmes with co-operation & concentrated efforts. Sports are beneficial for an individual’s mental and physical well-being. Not only can sports help to strengthen bones and tone muscles, but they can also help person to improve their academic performance and teach them the value of teamwork. Sport creates positive attitude in human being which help them in their routine life & they balance their life cycle in every moment and future aspects.

    • Mr Haji Umar Adenwala conveyed vote of thanks and briefed the gathering about the activities of AIMJF and appreciated the activities of Bilimora Young Memon Circle.
    • Programme was concluded with Felicitations of Winner, Runner Up Team & players.



    Tuesday, 15/03/2022


    ‘Get-Together Function’ of ‘All India Memon Jamat Federation’ (AIMJF) was held on Tuesday, 15/03/2022 at 7.30 pm in Sanskruti Banquet Hall, Girgaum Chowpaty, Mumbai.

    • Mrs Rizwana Punjani & Mr Imran Fruitwala compeered the function.
    • 257 Members were present including prominent dignitaries of community.
    • Function was commenced with recitation of verses from the Holy Quran by Hafiz Yasin Asif Officer and translation by Mr Talha Asif Officer followed by Naat Sharif by Mr Sagar Tripathi.
    • Mr Imran Fruitwala & Mrs Rizwana Punjani delivered welcome address & greeted the members present.
    • AIMJF Anthem & Memon Times Anthem was played.
    • Speech with regard to Fund Appeal was given by following members:-

      1) Mr Nizamuddin Raeen

      2) Mr Qasim Imam

      3) Mrs Razia bai Chasmawala

      4) Mr Ibrahim Patel

    • Zakat Appeal of AIMJF was inaugurated by the hands of Hazrat Sufi Farook, Mr Iqbal Memon Officer, Mr Abdul Rashid Darbar, Mrs Farida Bai Agboatwala, Adv Yusuf Abrahani, Mrs Razia Bai Chasmawala, Ms Natasha Bhiwandiwala, Mr Qasim Imam, Mr Nizamuddin Raeen & Mr Shabbir Patca & Mr Sameer Dabawala.
    • Special Shab E Barat Issue of Memon Times was inaugurated by the hands of Mr Iqbal Memon Officer, Mr Hasin Aghadi, Mr Ehsan Gadawala, Mr Siraj Darbar, Mr Amin Ajmeri, Mr Imran Furniturewala, Mr V R Shariff, Mr Imran Latiff, Mr Suhail Khandwani, Mr Abdul Hamid Nathani, Mr Iqram Chidimar, Mr Mehdi Rizvi & Dr Patankar.
    • Memon Times Calendar – 2022 was inaugurated by the hands of Mr Iqbal Memon Officer, Mr Anwar Pishori, Mr Sajid Sopariwala, Mr Baba Bhai Sopariwala, Mrs Gazala Asif Officer, Mrs Nasima Bai Surty, Ms Sheherbanoo Gullar, Mr Tahir Ashrafi & Mr Nasir Pathan.
    • Youth News Letter of AIMJF Youth Wing was inaugurated by the hands of Mr Imran Fruitwala, Mr Iqbal Memon Officer, Mr Asif Abbajumma, Mr Yasin Deda, Mr Yasin Asif Officer, Mr Umar Adenwala, Dr Asif Pochi, Mr Sufyan Attarwala, Mr Shehzad Abrahani, Mr Azhar Chatriwala, Mr Hadee Bhavnagarwala, Mr Shakil Batliwala, Mr Amir Memon, Mr Parvez Chunawala, Mr Asfiyan Fuggawala, Mr Nadir Chunawala & Mr Shahnawaz Poonawala.
    • Adv Yusuf Abrahani requested all to avoid huge expenses in big fat marriages and to utlized the surplus in social causes. He further appealed all to contribute maximum Zakat Fund for AIMJF so that AIMJF can execute social, charitable work more effectively & efficiently.
    • Mr Iqbal Memon Officer presented Documentary in English & Urdu showing the activities & various schemes of AIMJF in detail. He further stated that the AIMJF is taking utmost care while disbursing the funds that


    • He further stated that ‘All India Memon Jamat Federation’ is not doing work of charity only but also creating awareness in community through conducting Unity & brotherhood programmes.
    • He appraise all that AIMJF has also initiated Interest Free Business Help scheme wherein deserving people of our community are assisted with Interest Free Business Loan of Rs 2 Lakhs which is required to be refunded in 30 easy installments so as to refrain them from vicious circle of high interest from money lenders or banks.
    • Many people are able to start or expand their business at small scale level and became self-sufficient with kind assistance of said scheme.
    • We are collecting Lillah Non Zakat Fund of Rs.6,000/- per year from each Individual & many members are enrolling names of their whole family also.
    • We are issuing PATRON Card to such helping hand members.
    • Main aim of AIMJF is that Memon Zakat Taker should become Zakat Giver.
    • Unity is strength of community and people should work collectively with co-operation & concentrated efforts.

      HAYAT LEKE CHALO . . . . . KAYENAT LEKE CHALO . . . . .
    • Following members were felicitated with Shawl

      1) Hazrat Sufi Farooq

      2) Adv Yusuf Abrahani

      3) Mr Irfan Dadani

    • Following members were felicitated with Memento & Shawl for sponsoring Get Together Function

      1) Mr Salman Baba Sopariwala

      2) Mrs Farida Bai Agboatwala

      3) Mr Siraj Darbar

      4) Mr Amin Ajmeri

      5) Occasion Dry Fruits

    • Mrs Razia Bai Chasmawala felicitated Mr Iqbal Memon Officer, Mr Asif Abbajumma & Mr Imran Fruitwala with Memento & Shawl for their great, selfless, dedicated social services to community at large.
    • Mr Aziz Machiwala conveyed vote of thanks & function dispersed at 10.30 pm with Dua E Khair followed by Dinner.



    Tuesday, 15/03/2022
    Appointment of Mr Imtiyaz Pothiawala as a Saurashtra Regional Vice President of All India Memon Jamat Federation


    Mr Imtiyaz E Pothiawala from Dhoraji is appointed as a Vice President of Saurashtra Region of All India Memon Jamat Federation.

    He was felicitated with Appointment Certificate & Shawl in Get Together Function of AIMJF held on 15/03/2022 in Sanskruti Banquet Hall, Girgaum Chowpaty, Mumbai.

    Saurashtra is a big region, there are 105 Jamats in Saurashtra out of which 53 Jamats are under Mr Imtiyaz Pothiawala & 52 Jamats are under Mr Yunus Derdiwala, Amreli.

    Saturday, 05/03/2022


    Alhamdulillah, Inauguration of Development Work regarding beautification of All India Memon Jamat Federation’s Beg Mohammed Park, Mumbai was held on Saturday, 05/03/2022 at 5.00 pm at Beg Mohammed Park, Narayan Dhuru Street, Mumbai – 400 003.

    Following prominent members were present :-

    • Mr Iqbal Memon Officer
    • Mr Aziz Machiwala
    • Mr Asif Abbajumma
    • Mr Amin Patel (MLA)
    • Mrs Afreen Shaikh (Municipal Councillor)
    • Mr Umar Lakdawala (Congress Leader)
    • Mr Umar Chasmawala
    • Mr M A Khalid
    • Maulana Mehmood Daryabadi

    • Mr Asif Abbajumma delivered welcome address & greeted Mr Amin Patel, Mr Umar Lakdawala & Mrs Afreen Shaikh. He further briefed the gathering about the purpose of function
    • Foundation Stone of beautification development work of Beg Mohammed Park Ground was laid by Mr Iqbal Memon Officer & Mr Amin Patel (MLA)
    • Mr Iqbal Memon Officer appreciated the great dedicated services of Mrs Afreen Shaikh & Mr Umar Lakdawala and stated that due to their kind efforts BMC has approved beautification of Beg Mohammed Park.
    • Mr Iqbal Memon Officer & Mr Amin Patel appreciated the selfless services of Mr Asif Abbajumma who is continuously following-up with them for beautification of Beg Mohammed Park with basic facilities so that the Childrens & People of vicinity should derive benefit from the same.
    • Mr Umar Lakdawala informed that the Ground will be beautified with facilities as follows:-

      1) Children Play Area with apparatus

      2) Volley Ball Court in Rubber Mat

      3) Flag Post

      4) Repairing of Compound Wall

      5) Walking & Jogging area

      6) Pathway with Paver Blocks

      7) VIP Banches

      8) M S Grill Work on Compound Wall

      9) Decorative Entrance Gate

      10) Security Cabin

      11) Drinking Water facility

      12) Shrub Plantation

      13) Step Seating with Granite

      14) Underground Water Tank

      15) Green Gymnasium

    • Mr Asif Abbajumma thanked Mr Amin Patel, Mr Umar Lakdawala & Mrs Afreen Shaikh for their kind concern, support & Co-Operation extended towards the people of their ward & Mr Iqbal Memon Officer felicitated them with shawl.
    • Function was dispersed at 6.00 pm with a vote of thanks.



    Monday, 28/02/2022

    On 28/02/2022 Ayushman Bharat Medical Cards were distributed to 650 persons at Amanullah Motiwala Hall, Aurangabad in co-ordination with Aurangabad Halai Memon Jamat & under the guidance of Mr ILYAS DANGRA.


    This Card holder will get benefits of insurance as well as free medical help to the extent of Rs.5 Lakhs.

    All the member Jamats should also take initiative and organize camp & provide these card in their respective areas.

    For any assistance, guidance please feel free to contact :-

    Zonal Secretary & Dy Convener Disaster Management Wing
    All India Memon Jamat Federation

    26th Feb 2022
    UrbanDoc Mobile App Was Created & Launched By Al Madad & Dausup Hospital At Kausa Mumbra, Organize By Mumbra Doctors Foundation & ALL INDIA MEMON JAMAT FEDERATION Youth Wing on 26 February 2022 in Kausa Mumbra.
    25th Feb 2022
    All India Memon Jamat Federation's Youth Wing and Mumbra Doctors Foundation initiative of "AL - Madad free medical program". On 25th Feb 2022

    Sat, 26/02/2021
    Important Announcement


    ALL INDIA MEMON JAMAT FEDERATION - Financial Assistance for Air Fare to Memon Students from India stuck in Ukraine & wish to come back

    • This is to announce that any deserving Memon Students from India who is stuck in Ukraine due to War & wish to come back but facing financial crises to bear air fare, may approach us & we will provide him financial assistance for air fare so that he may return back safely to his home till situations normalize.
    • Iqbal Memon Officer
      All India Memon Jamat Federation

      Beg Mohammed Park
      Narayan Dhuru Street
      Mumbai 400003.
      Phone No. 0091 22 23412284
      Email :

    Thursday, 27/01/2022
    On the Occasion of Sir ADAMJI DAY - 27/01/2022


    Homage / Tribute was offered to Sir Adamji Haji Dawood on Thursday, 27/01/2022 at 12.300 pm in the office of ‘All India Memon Jamat Federation’, Mumbai

    • Mr Iqbal Memon Officer stated that today is the death anniversary of Sir Adamji Haji Dawood (30/06/1880 – 27/01/1948)
    • Mr Iqbal Memon Officer further informed about the great social contribution done by Sir Adamji Haji Dawood.
    • He was father of Education of Memons. He founded ‘The Memon Educational & Welfare Society’ in 1932 in Calcutta and thousands of Memon students have achieved higher professional degree courses and became Doctors, Engineers, Chartered Accountants, Pilots,
    • Adamjee Haji Dawood was born in 1880 in Jetpur, Kathiawar, Gujarat in British India in a Memon family. While still in his teens, he ventured out to Burma and started operating as an independent businessman. The first few years of his career were spent in the rice, match-book-making for lighting home stoves and jute trade.
    • By 1922, he had accumulated sufficient resources and a strong presence in the commodities markets, enabling him to set up his first industrial venture - a match factory in Rangoon. In 1927, he returned to India to establish a jute mill in Calcutta. The Adamjee Jute Mills Limited was the third jute mill to be set up by an Indian and the first Muslim-owned public company in British India. To capture this emerging niche, Adamjee along with Mr. G. D. Birla of Birla Jute, broke into this monopolistic trade controlled by the East India Company until that time.
    • He was also an avid educationist and philanthropist. He was responsible for financing and helping a number of educational institutions in India.
    • In recognition for his services to his countrymen, the British government knighted him in June 1938.
    • Members present noted and appreciated the same.
    • Mrs Razia Bai Chasmawala , Mr Imran Fruitwala, Mrs Rizwana Punjani, Mr Sajid Sopariwala, Mr Altaf Holy , & Mr Salim Nagani also offered their homage to Sir Adamjee Haji Dawood by appreciating the great dedicated services rendered.
    • Dua e Maghfirat was offered & meeting dispersed at 1.30 pm



    WEDNESDAY, 26/01/2022


    Youth Wing of ‘All India Memon Jamat Federation’ celebrated Republic Day on Wednesday, 26/01/2022 at 11.00 am in the AIMJF Office Ground, Beg Mohammed Park, Narayan Dhuru Street, Mumbai –400 003.

    • Mr Imran Fruitwala welcomed all the guests
    • Mrs Rizwana Punjani compeer the function
    • Function was commenced with National Anthem & Memon Anthem
    • Prominent dignitaries of all community i.e Vohra, Kokani, Kerala, Memon, Jain, Gujrati, Sikh, Marathi, Bengali were present.
    • India National Flag was hoisted by Mr Iqbal Memon Officer, Mr Asif Abbajumma, Mrs Afreen Shaikh (Corporator), Mrs Razia Bai Chasmawala, and Police Officers.
    • Innumerous prominent Members of all Community were present viz Mr Iqbal Memon Officer, Mr Aziz Machiwala, Mr Asif Abbajumma, Mr Imran Fruitwala, Mrs Razia Bai Chasmawala, Mrs Rizwana Punjani, Mrs Afreen Shaikh (Corporator), Ms Sheherbanoo Gullar, Mr Umar Adenwala, Mr Iqbal Chotani, Mr Asif Memon Officer, Mr Anwar Pishori, Mr Salim Merchant,Mr Sajid Sopariwala, Mr Haji Riyaz Memon, Dr Abdur Razzak Holy, Mr Amin Ajmeri, Mr Siraj Darbar, Mr Abdul Aziz Sandha, Dr Moin Holy, Mr Salim Nagani, Mr Usman Memon, Yusuf Malkani, Mrs Abida Zaveri, Mr Taufiq Kapadia, Mr Shafi Niyama, Mr Imran Alvi, Mr Munawwar Azad, Mr Shabbir Hira, Mr Nabi Qureshi, Mr Abdul Rashid Qureshi, Ms Gazala Azad, Mr Arfat Anjum, Mr Siddik Allana, Dr Salma Tambe, Mr Kamlakar Shenoy, Mr Abbas Chhatriwala, Mr Irshad Shaikh, Mr Rashid Bakhla, Mr Shoaib Memon, Mr Shafi Khan, Mr Kadar Perfumewala, Mrs Mumtaz Perfumewala and various other dignitaries of community were present.
    • All the members were welcomed with Guard of Honour by Scout of Burhani Guard.
    • Following Members were felicitated with Memento for their great dedicated services rendered to society.
    • Mr Iqbal Memon Officer highlighted the great dedicated services rendered by Memon Community for Independence of India
    • All the students of Orphanage were present
    • Prominent members given their bite appreciating the event.
    • All the members were honoured with Brunch Box.
    • Above event was covered by Awaz National News & Vatsalya News


    Function was dispersed at 12.30 noon

    Sunday, 02/01/2022
    *मेमन बोली पांजी बोली (SEASON -2)*



    Representation of AIMJF Ladies Wing Vidarbha Region in MEMON FEMINAS, Raipur(C.G.)

    MEMON FEMINAS, Raipur(C.G.) Organized *मेमन बोली पांजी बोली (SEASON -2)*on Sunday, 02/01/22 from 3:00 P.M. To 9:30 P.M. in Shaheed Samarak Bhawan, Raipur .

    The said मेमन बोली पांजी बोली was organized with kind assistance of :-

    • Ms Nafees Fatima(Organising and Designing Head)
    • Ms Aqsa Dhebar(Organising and Designing Head)
    • Ms Sana Bhurani
    • Mrs Femida Dhebar
    • Mrs Afroza Dagli
    • Mrs Shabnam Sorathiya
    • Mrs Tasneem Musani
    • Mrs Shifa Khakhu
    • Mrs Ayesha Ganj

    • MEMON FEMINAS, RAIPUR * worked under the kind assistance of *LADIES WING, RAIPUR * and were honoured with the presence of Chief Guests MRS RIZWANA MUSANI _(Secretary - AIMJF LADIES WING, VIDHARBHA REGION) and MRS SAMINA GAZI ( MEMBER AIMJF LADIES WING AKOLA ) who attended the event and made it more festive.
    • Participants executed various acts in Memoni Language such as Religious Performance, Songs, Drama, Speech etc.
    • Fancy Dress Program was held for children below 12 years old.
    • All the participants were honoured with certificates.
    • Alhamdulillah, said Program got overwhelming response and was a grand success.



    In this regard, we would like to thank you for your arrival. We will be looking forward to having more of your presence in future events.

    Thanking you on the behalf of the MEMON LADIES WING, RAIPUR and MEMON FEMINAS,RAIPUR


    Thursday, 23/12/2021


    ‘All India Memon Jamat Federation’ - Ladies Wing – Vidarbha Region organized Anand Mela Exhibition Cum Sale on Thursday, 23/12/2021 from 11 am to 9 pm in Maulana Azad Hall, Akola.

    The said Exhibition cum Sale was organized by Mrs Nasima Bai Punjani (Convener – AIMJF Ladies Wing, Vidarbha Region) with kind assistance of:-

    1) Mrs Nasima bai Punjani

    2) Ms Yasmin Kapadia

    3) Ms Rizwana Musani

    4) Ms Farida Bai Dokadia

    5) Ms Farida Bai Surya

    6) Ms Asma Lakhani

    7) Ms Raziya Memon

    8) Ms Naziya Mirza

    9) Ms Afreen Gazi

    10) Ms Rukhsana Gazi

    11) Ms Nasim Gazi

    12) Ms Nasrin Surya

    13) Ms Samina Gazi

    14) Ms Hoorun Amdani

    Exhibition was containing various stalls viz Food Stall, Clothing, Readymade Dresses, Beauty Cosmetics, Dress Materials, Shampoos, Soaps, Imitation Jewellery, Household items etc.

    Alhamdulillah, said Exhibition has got overwhelming response and was a grand success.

    Wednesday, 15/12/2021
    On 15/12/2021, Mr Iqbal Memon Officer visited Mahad to survey the recent status of Mahad based flood affected victims who have been assisted by AIMJF.


    Alhamdulillah, with kind financial assistance of AIMJF, all flood affected victims have again started their business as usual & became well established.

    Mr Arif Vindhani (President- Mahad Memon Jamat), Mr Mukhtar Motlani (Secretary), Mr Farook Vindhani & all the team members of Mahad Memon Jamat welcomed & felicitated Mr Iqbal Memon Officer with Shawl & appreciated the great, dedicated services of AIMJF & timely help extended to flood affected victims of Mahad due to which they are able to became self dependent.

    Tuesday, 07/12/2021

    Inauguration of Skill Development Centre in Children's Home, Dongri Jail, Mumbai


    Skill Development Centre of All India Memon Jamat Federation was Inaugurated on Tuesday, 07/12/2021 at 10.30am in Dongri Jail, Mumbai for the benefit of prisoners of Children's Home arrested in petty crimes.

    The said Centre of AIMJF was Inaugurated by the hands of Smt. Urmila Joshi Falke Principal Judge, City Civil and Sessions Court, Mumbai

    As per protocol selected below mentioned Members of AIMJF were present :-

      1) Mr Iqbal Memon Officer

      2) Mr Aziz Machiwala

      3) Mr Shakir Batliwala

      4) Mr Umar Adenwala

      5) Mrs Nasima Surty

      6) Mr Yusuf Malkani

      7) Mr Aziz Sandha

    • The said SKILL DEVELOPMENT CENTER of AIMJF will be managed in Co-Ordination with Global Care Foundation at Children's Home, Dongri, Mumbai to teach skilled courses to petty crime prisoners between the age group of 12yrs to 18 yrs.

      For Boys : Electrician, Carpentary, Tailoring & Plumbing.

      For Girls : Tailoring & Fashion Designing.

    • 60 Boys & 50 Girls will derive benefit of said centre and spend their life respectfully after release from Jail.

    • Following dignitaries address the gathering & appreciated the social services of AIMJF for the Upliftment and betterment of society at large.

      1) Rahul Kantikar (Superintendent of Childrens Home)

      2) Mr Hitendra Vani (Secretary, DLSA Mumbai)

      3) JJB Board Members

      Londhe & Kute Madam

      4) Ms Urmila Jadhav lMember, Child Welfare Committee, Mumbai)

      5) Mr Abid Ahmed (Managing Trustee, Global Care Foundation)

      6) Mr Vijay Johare (Unit Head, Prayas)

    • Mr Iqbal Memon Officer wished best of luck to all the students of Centre with Dua that May Almighty ALLAH bless all the Children's of Jail with good deeds / hidaya and may they start their new journey with self respect & lawful earnings with the help of SKILLS which they will learn from said Centre.

    • Programme was dispersed at 11.30am with a vote of thanks.


    Thursday, 04/11/2021
    OFFICERS CUP - Auction of Players 04/11/2021


    Auction of Players for OFFICERS CUP was held on Thursday, 04/11/2021 at 5.00 pm in Valank Halai Memon Jamatkhana, Mumbai.

    Cricket Tournament will be managed by Lalaji Lions & schedule on 14/11/2021 in Balkanji Bari Turf, Juhu, Mumbai.

    Final was played between

    Following 10 Teams will participate in said tournament.

    1) Lalaji Lions

    2) All India Memon Jamat Federation (AIMJF)

    3) Memon Warriors

    4) All Stars

    5) Unique Boys

    6) Khandwani Legends

    7) Dokadia Academy

    8) Victorious Vasavad

    9) SEWA

    10) Chotani Kings

    Alhamdulillah, said event was organized professionally with proper protocol & discipline.

    Sunday, 03/10/2021
    KHANDWANI SHIELD (Cricket Tournament)


    Mr Sameer Merchant & Team organized KHANDWANI SHIELD (Cricket Tournament) with kind support of Mr Suhail Khandwani & Mr Imran Latif under the Banner of Khandwani Halai Memon Jamat, Mumbai on Sunday, 03/10/2021 at Raghuvanshi Turf, Lower Parel, Mumbai.

    16 Teams participated.

    Final was played between

    Alhamdulillah, AIMJF won the tournament.

    Tuesday, 07/09/2021
    Visit of AIMJF Delegation to Jama Masjid on Tuesday, 07/09/2021


    Delegation of AIMJF visited historical Jama Masjid, Mumbai on Tuesday, 07/09/2021

    • Trustee of Jama Masjid extended warm welcome & greeted each & every member of delegation.
    • Mr Shoeb Khatib Chairman Jama Masjid trust delivered Welcome Address (sipaas - Naama) in honor of Mr Iqbal Memon Officer.
    • Thereafter they shown Gilaf of Kaaba Sharif, Historical Library & history of Jama Masjid Mumbai etc.
    • All the members of delegation were happy to see such precious things & thanked Trustees of Jama Masjid for their kind gesture of goodwill.



    Tuesday, 31st August 2021.


    Youth Wing of All India Memon Jamat Federation celebrated Birthday of Mr Iqbal Memon Officer on Tuesday, 31st August 2021.

    102 persons were present including below mentioned prominent dignitaries:-

    • Mr Iqbal Memon Officer
    • Mr Imran Fruitwala
    • Mr Aziz Machiwala
    • Mr Shakir Batliwala
    • Mr Suhail Khandwani
    • Mrs Razia Bai Chasmawala
    • Mrs Zubeda Bai Khandwani
    • Mrs Nasima Bai Surty
    • Ms Sheherbanoo Gullar
    • Mr Shoaib Khatib (Chairman – Jumma Masjid Trust)
    • Mr Sarfaraz Arzoo
    • Mr Hadee Bhavnagarwala
    • Mr Nizamuddin raeen
    • Mr Javed Parekh
    • Mr Yusuf Malkani
    • Mr Kadar Sopariwala
    • Mr Imran Alwi
    • Mr Asif Khatri
    • Mr Taufiq Kapadia
    • Mr Farook Memon
    • Mr Anwar Pishori
    • Mr Salim Merchant
    • Mr Latif Batliwala

    • Birthday Celebration of Mr Iqbal Memon Officer commenced with recitation of verses from the Holy Quran & Sadqa.
    • Mr Imran Fruitwala delivered welcome address and greeted the gathering. He further highlighted the great social services being rendered by Mr Iqbal Memon Officer.
    • Thereafter he presented the documentary on social work of Mr Iqbal Memon Officer and also wishing messages of Youth Wing Conveners.
    • Members present wish Mr Iqbal Memon Officer with Shawl & Gift
    • Programme was covered by prominent news channel with bite of selected members.


    INDEPENDENCE DAY - Sunday, 15/08/2021

    INDEPENDENCE DAY CELEBRATION - Sunday, 15th August, 2021


    Youth Wing of ‘All India Memon Jamat Federation’ celebrated Independence Day on Sunday, 15/08/2021 at 11.00 am at Beg Mohammed Park, Narayan Dhuru Street, Mumbai – 400 003.

    150 (Approx) members were present including following prominent Members :-

    • Mr Iqbal Memon Officer
    • Mr Aziz Machhiwala
    • Mr Imran Fruitwala
    • Mrs Razia Bai Chasmawala
    • Mrs Nasima Surty
    • Mr Haji A Rehman Shivani, Upleta
    • Mr Sajid Supariwala
    • Mrs Afreen Shaikh (Corporator)
    • Mr Sandip Mane, API Pydhonie Police Station
    • Mr Rahul Shirsagar, PSI Pydhonie Police Station
    • Mr Pote, PC Pydhonie Police Station
    • Mrs Sheherbanoo Gullar
    • Mr Asif Iqbal Officer
    • Mr Taha Asif Officer
    • Mr Saleem Nagani
    • Mr Saad Memon, Pune
    • Mr Imran Alwi
    • Mr Iqbal Lakhani
    • Mr Taufiq Kapadia
    • Mr Kadar Perfumewala
    • Mrs Mumtaz Perfumewala
    • Mr Hadee Bhavnagarwala
    • Mr Suleman Surya
    • Mr Md Ahmed Qadri
    • CA Aliya Weldon
    • Mr Faizan Weldon
    • Mr Sadik Allana
    • Mr Md Ishtiyaq Memon
    • Mrs Halima Memon
    • Mr Suhel Agarbattiwala
    • Mr Hasan Qadri
    • Mr Anis Tinwala
    • Ms Aysha Dhorajiwala
    • Mr Salimj Dosani
    • Mr Imtiyaz Memon
    • Mr Israar Bhai
    • Mr Riyaz Mewawala
    • Mr Vikram – SCN News

    • Function as commenced with recitation of verses from the Holy Quran by Mr Iqbal Memon Officer.
    • Mr Iqbal Memon Officer highlighted the great dedicated services rendered by Memon Community for Independence of India
    • India National Flag was hoisted by Mr Sandip Mane (API – Pydhonie Police Station), Mr Iqbal Memon Officer, Mrs Razia Bai Chasmawala, Mrs Afreen Shaikh (Corporator) & various prominent members.
    • All the Guests were gifted with Brunch Box
    • Function was covered by SCN News alongwith bite of prominent members
    • SCN News, Memon Times News Channels covered the event
    • Function was dispersed at 11.45 am

    Sunday, 04/07/2021
    Inauguration of ICU Ward of Aamena Khatun Hospital, Ahmedabad & Central Gujrat Regional Committee Meeting


    • With kind assistance of 'All India Memon Jamat Federation' (AIMJF), ICU Ward of Aamena Khatun Hospital (Juhapura, Ahmedabad) was Inaugurated by the hands of Mr Iqbal Memon Officer & Shri Kishor Sinh (MLA Ahmedabad) at 11.30 am on 04/07/2021.
    • Thereafter Central Gujrat Regional Committee Meeting of AIMJF was held from 3 to 5 pm at Lokhandwala Party Plot (Fatehwadi, Ahmedabad)
    • Mr Iqbal Memon Officer, Mr Sharif Memon, Mr Aziz Machiwala, Mr Shakir Batliwala, Mr Yasin Deda, Mr Iqram Chidimar, Mr Yusuf Fullawala & Representatives of Ahmedabad based Memon Jamats and Vice Presidents, Zonal Secretaries of Central & North Gujrat attended the Programme & Meeting.

    Video report:-


    Date : 04/07/2021

    ICU Center & Mammography Unit inaugurated by AIMJF at Aamena Khatun Multi Special Hospital in Ahmedabad


    Date : 04/07/2021

    Zonal Secretary Meeting Of All India Memon Jamaat Federation Held In Ahmedabad Gujarat


    Date : 05/07/2021

    Team of All India Memon Jamat Federation visits Memon Boarding House in Amreli

    Sunday, 06/06/2021
    KONKAN VISIT - Sunday, 06/06/2021

    Inauguration of Newly Renovated Marathi Primary School & Anganwadi in Uchhal & Borewell in Ghosala


    Konkan Visit Programme of AIMJF delegation was held on Sunday, 6th June, 2021.

    Following members were present :-

    • Mr Iqbal Memon Officer
    • Mr Aziz Machiwala
    • Mr Shakir Batliwala
    • Mrs Razia Bai Chasmawala
    • Mrs Nasima Bai Surty
    • Mr Asif Iqbal Officer
    • Mrs Gazala Asif Officer
    • Mr Ibrahim Motiwala
    • Mr Anwar Pishori
    • Mr Yusuf Sakarwala
    • Mr Mansoor Darvesh
    • Mr Yusuf Malkani
    • Mr Kadar Perfumewala
    • Mr Anwar Nagaria
    • Mr Taufiq Kapadia
    • Mr Salim Nagani
    • Mr Siddik Kapadia
    • Mr Aziz Sandha
    • Mr Ayub Salat
    • Mr Farook Memon
    • Mr Rafik Bhojani
    • Mr Sanjar Batliwala
    • Mr Abdul Gani Bhojani
    • Mr Imran Alvi
    • Mr Shafi Khan
    • Mr Kamal Mandlekar
    • Mr Asif Khalife
    • Mr Altaf Holy

    • Journey commenced at 7.30 am from the residence of Mr Iqbal Memon Officer.
    • Breakfast was hosted by Mr Iqbal Memon Officer at Welcome Hotel, Panvel
    • Lunch & Zuhar Salat was offered at Green House, Roha.


      • Newly Renovated Marathi Primery School was Inaugurated by the hands of Mr Iqbal Memon Officer & Mr Ibrahim Bhai Motiwala.

      • Anganwadi was Inaugurated by the hands of Mrs Razia Bai Chasmawala, Mrs Nasima Bai Surty & Mrs Gazala Asif Officer.

      • Sarpanch & Villagers appreciated the activities of AIMJF thru which School was Inaugurated & felicitated Mr Iqbal Memon Officer, Mr Aziz Machiwala, Mr Shakir Batliwala, Mr Ibrahim Motiwala, Mr Asif Officer , Mrs Raziabai Chasmawala, Mrs Nasima Bai Surty & Mrs Gazala Asif Officer with Shawl & Bouquet.

      • Trees were rooted by the hands of all the members present in the ground of School & Anganwadi.


      • Thereafter all Members visited Gulshan E Iqbal Farm House of Mr Iqbal Memon Officer & offered Asr Salat.

      • Mr Asif Iqbal Officer gifted Farm House Fruit Bag to all the members present.


      • Borewell was Inaugurated by the hands of Mr Iqbal Memon Officer & Mr Aziz Machiwala.

    • Sarpanch & Villagers of Uchhal appreciated the activities of AIMJF thru which their basic problem of water is resolved & felicitated Mr Iqbal Memon Officer, Mr Aziz Machiwala, Mr Shakir Batliwala, Mrs Razia Bai Chasmawala, Mrs Nasima Bai Surty, Mrs Gazala Asif Officer with Shawl and Bouquet.
    • Programme was covered by prominent news channels i.e Awaaz National, SCN News, Vatsalya News & Memon Times with bite of prominent members & local Villagers.
    • Both the events were organized to facilitate the masses at large Without any discrimination of caste, creed or religion.
    • Programme was dispersed at 7pm with Dua e Khair that may harmony & peace prevail in entire nation with brotherhood & unity.




    Saturday, 08/05/2021
    ‘All India Memon Jamat Federation’ has organized Oxygen Cylinder 6.8L Distribution programme on Saturday, 08/05/2021 at 4 pm in the office premises situated at Beg Mohammed Park, Narayan Dhuru Street, Mumbai – 400 003.


    Following prominent dignitaries attended the programme including other various members :-

    • Mr Iqbal Memon Officer
    • Mr Asif Abbajumma
    • Mrs Razia Bai Chasmawala
    • Mr Arshad Siddique
    • Mr Ibrahim Tai
    • Dr Javed Reshamwala
    • Mr Anwar Pishori
    • Mr Salim Merchant
    • Mr Taufiq Kapadia
    • Mr Shakeel Tinwala
    • Mr Anis Tinwala
    • Mr Salim Nagani
    • Mr Badshah Bhai
    • Mr Yusuf Malkani
    • Mr Zoher Deewan
    • Mr Abbas Kapasi
    • Mr Kutbuddin Jawrawala

    • Programme was commenced with recitation of verses from the Holy Quran by Maulana Huma Nazish Qasmi
    • Mr Iqbal Memon Officer thanked Memon Association of Leicester (UK) for their kind support and cooperation extended to AIMJF for various charitable causes including Relief Work for Covid19 patients.
    • Oxygen Cylinders were distributed to below mentioned NGO’s.

      1) Mr Zohair Diwan (Founder & Trustee – NESH) 25 Oxygen Cylinders

      2) Mr Rashid Kapadia (Human Right Actvist) – 20 Oxygen Cylinders

      3) Mr Shakee & Anis Tinwala (Vasavad Memon Jamat) – 10 Oxygen Cylinders

      4) Mrs Asma Lakdawala (Zafeera Foundation) – 10 Oxygen Cylinders

      5) Mr Vikram (Saksham Mahila Samajik Sanstha) – 5 Oxygen Cylinders

    • Prominent channels Aawaz National News, Vatsalya News Maharashtra & SCN News covered the event & took bite of dignitaries.


    Programme was dispersed at 5.30 pm.

    Wednesday, 19/05/2021


    ALL INDIA MEMON JAMAT FEDERATION & International Memon Organization (IMO) sponsored 4 Free Auto Ambulance Service with Oxygen Cylinder facility for covid & ill patients was inaugurated on Wednesday, 19/05/2021 at 4.30pm at K N Gaikwad Marg, Ganesh Nagar, Chembur Naka, Mumbai 71.

    Following Members were present:-

    • Mr Iqbal Memon Officer
    • Mr Aziz Machiwala
    • Mr Shakir Batliwala
    • Mr Asif Abbajumma
    • Mr Shakil Batliwala
    • Mrs Razia Bai Chasmawala
    • Mrs Nasima Surty
    • Mr Farook Memon
    • Mr Mansoor Darvesh


    4 Auto Ambulance were inaugurated as follows:-

    1) By Local Corporator

    2) By Mr Aziz Machiwala & Mr Shakir Batliwala

    3) Mrs Razia Bai Chasmawala & Mrs Nasima Bai Surty

    4) Mr Asif Abbajumma & Mr Shakil Batliwala.


    Saturday, 08/05/2021
    “Oxygen Cylinder Distribution” – 08/05/2021


    ‘All India Memon Jamat Federation’ has organized Oxygen Cylinder Distribution programme on Saturday, 08/05/2021 at 4 pm in the office premises situated at Beg Mohammed Park, Narayan Dhuru Street, Mumbai – 400 003.

    Following prominent dignitaries attended the programme including other various members :-

    • Mr Iqbal Memon Officer
    • Mr Asif Abbajumma
    • Mrs Razia Bai Chasmawala
    • Mr Arshad Siddique
    • Mr Ibrahim Tai
    • Dr Javed Reshamwala
    • Mr Anwar Pishori
    • Mr Salim Merchant
    • Mr Taufiq Kapadia
    • Mr Shakeel Tinwala
    • Mr Anis Tinwala
    • Mr Salim Nagani
    • Mr Badshah Bhai
    • Mr Yusuf Malkani
    • Mr Zoher Deewan
    • Mr Abbas Kapasi
    • Mr Kutbuddin Jawrawala

    • Programme was commenced with recitation of verses from the Holy Quran by Maulana Huma Nazish Qasmi
    • Mr Iqbal Memon Officer thanked Memon Association of Leicester (UK) for their kind support and cooperation extended to AIMJF for various charitable causes including Relief Work for Covid19 patients.
    • Oxygen Cylinders were distributed to below mentioned NGO’s.

      1) Mr Zohair Diwan (Founder & Trustee – NESH) 25 Oxygen Cylinders

      2) Mr Rashid Kapadia (Human Right Actvist) – 20 Oxygen Cylinders

      3) Mr Shakee & Anis Tinwala (Vasavad Memon Jamat) – 10 Oxygen Cylinders

      4) Mrs Asma Lakdawala (Zafeera Foundation) – 10 Oxygen Cylinders

      5) Mr Vikram (Saksham Mahila Samajik Sanstha) – 5 Oxygen Cylinders

    • Prominent channels Aawaz National News, Vatsalya News Maharashtra & SCN News covered the event & took bite of dignitaries.


    Programme was dispersed at 5.30 pm.

    MEMON DAY- Monday, 12/04/2021
    “MEMON DAY” Celebration – 12/04/2021


    “Memon Day” was celebrated on Monday, 12/04/2021 at 11am in Sanskruti banquet Hall, Girgaon Chowpaty, Mumbai.

    Following prominent dignitaries attended the programme including other various members :-

    • Mr Iqbal Memon Officer
    • Mrs Kishori Pednekar (Mayor – Mumbai City)
    • Mr Aziz Machiwala
    • Mr Shakir Batliwala
    • Mr Yusuf Abrahani
    • Mr Baba Bhai Sopariwala
    • Mrs Razia Bai Chasmawala
    • Mrs Rizwana Punjani
    • Mrs Nasima Surty
    • Ms Sheherbanu Gullar
    • Dr Javed Reshamwala
    • Mr Anwar Pishori
    • Mr Salim Merchant
    • Mr Juned Punjani
    • Mr Taufiq Kapadia
    • Mr Umar Adenwala
    • Dr A Razzak Holy
    • Mr Kadar Perfumewala
    • Ms Aysha Dhorajiwala
    • Mr Anwar Noorie
    • Mr Salim Nagani
    • Mr Mansoor Darvesh
    • Mr Mansoor Adenwala


    Chief Guest:-

    • Mrs Kishori Pednekar (Mayor – Mumbai City)
    • Mrs Rizwana Punjani compeered the programme
    • Programme was commenced with recitation of verses from the Holy Quran by Mr Umar Adenwala followed by Memon Anthem & Sadqa
    • Mr Yusuf Abrahani Inaugurated the programme & delivered Inaugural speech.
    • Mr Iqbal Memon Officer briefed the gathering about MEMON DAY and emphasize about UNITY and BROTHERHOOD in community. He also thanked all participants of social awareness drama. He also appreciated all Jamats & Individuals who have celebrated Memon Day all over world by executing social / charitable task.
    • Mrs Razia Bai Chasmawala appreciated the concept of Memon Day
    • Shrimati Kishori Pednekar (Mayor – Mumbai City) congratulated all for Memon Day and appreciated the great philanthropic work being done by Memon Community for the poor, derserving people of community. She also read the Wishing Letter of Shri Uddhav Thackeray Saheb (Hon’ble Chief Minister of Maharashtra) on the occasion of MEMON DAY.
    • Shrimati Kishori Pednekar (Mayor – Mumbai City) felicitated 33 Students of Ladies Industrial Centre – Vasai Unit with certificates on successful completion of Tailoring, English Speaking, Beautician etc courses.
    • Shrimati Kishori Pednekar (Mayor – Mumbai City) also handed over Bail Amount Chq donated by All India Memon Jamat Federation to Global Care Foundation to release 4 Non Habitual under Trial Prisoners who are in Jail for petty crimes.



    Social Drama was played by below mentioned participants to create awareness in society:-

    1) Blind Fold Cubic by Mr Affan Kutty

    2) Memon Histort by Anam & Talha Asif Iqbal Memon Officer

    3) Daadi Ki Achhi Baate by Baby Aysha

    4) Importance to Educate Girl by Mahenoor

    5) Ill effects of Dowry System by Ms Aysha Dhorajiwala

    6) How to safeguard relationship between husband & wife by Mrs Simin Surty

    7) Memon Ji Khoobi by Mr Anwar Noorie (Motivational Speaker)

    • Mr Iqbal Memon Officer felicitated all participants of drama and Students of AIMJF Vasai Industrial Training Centre including Mr Iqbal Niyazi, Dr Naaz, Mr Anwar Noorie, Mrs Rizwana Punjani, Mr Taufiq Kapadia, Mr Umar Adenwala, Mr Juned Punjani, Mr Affan Kutty, Baby Aysha, Ms Aysha Dhorajiwala, Ms Mahenoor, Mrs Simin Surty etc with Shawl & Gift Hamper from La Mart.
    • Mrs Razia Bai Chasmawala felicitated 33 students of Vasai Industrial Training Centre with Gift bag.


    Programme was dispersed at 2.30 pm with Lunch.


    Sunday, 07/03/2022
    Managed by: Dokadia Brothers (Valak Jamat) - Under Guidance of Mr Asif Abbajumma (Chairman - AIMJF Sports Wing)


    AIMJF Turf Cup MPL - 2021 was held on Sunday, 07/03/2022 from 2pm to 10pm at JK Turf Club, Wadala, Mumbai.

    Following 9 Teams participated.

    1. SEWA

    2. Jamnagar Jamat

    3. Valak Jamat

    4. AIMJF Lalaji Lions

    5. Khandwani Legends

    6. Abbajumma Royals

    7. ARK Warriors Memon Times

    8. Gondal Jamat

    9. Urban Slayers

    • Semifinal was played between :-

    Jamnagar Jamat v/s AIMJF Lalaji Lions out of which AIMJF Lalaji Lions won

    • ARK Memon Times v/s SEWA out of which SEWA won

    • Final was played between AIMJF Lalaji Lions v/s SEWA out of which AIMJF Lalaji Lion won

    All Management Committee Members & Guest of Honours were felicitated with Shawl as follows:-

    • Mr Imran Fruitwala

    • Mr Shakir Batliwala

    • Mr Shakil Batliwala

    • Mr Rafik Advani

    • Mr Imran Sudiwala

    • Mr Sohail Malkani

    • Mr Umar Adenwala

    Mr Asif Abbajumma presented a silver plaque of AIMJF to Mr Imran Fruitwala for his selfless dedicated services as a Chairman AIMJF Youth Wing & stated that he is 3rd person to receive such honour after Mr Iqbal Memon Officer & Mr Aziz Machiwala.

    Following Memento / Trophies were awarded

    Posthumous Award Memento

    • Late Hanif Amin Dokadia

    Chief Guest Memento

    • Mr Iqbal Memon Officer

    Banner was unveil regarding appointment of Mr Iqbal Memon Officer as a Vice President of Global Memon TV & Mr Imran Fruitwala briefed about the same.

    Special Guest Memento

    • Mr Asif Abbajumma

    • Mr Aziz Malkani

    Best Bowler Trophy

    • Mr Shehbaz from SEWA

    Best Batsman Trophy

    • Mr Farid from AIMJF Lalaji Lions

    Runner Up Trophy

    • SEWA

    Winner Trophy

    • AIMJF Lalaji Lions

    Mr Iqbal Memon Officer appreciated the excellent management of Tournament by Mr Hashim & Hamza Dokadia.

    He further appreciated the great selfless services of Late Hanif Bhai Dokadia and stated that Hashim & Hamza Dokadia are walking on footstep of late Hanif Bhai Dokadia.

    Programme was dispersed at 10.30 pm


    Saturday, 06/02/2021
    SPORTS WING - ‘Mumbai Under 15 Cricket Tournament’ Saturday,06/02/2021 (Managed By :Mr Asif U Abbajumma)


    Sports Wing of All India Memon Jamat Federation organized ‘Cricket Tournamnet’ @ Mumbai Under 15 on Saturday, 06/02/2021 in AIMJF Office Ground, Beg Mohammed Park, Narayan Dhuru Street, Mumbai – 400 003 from 12 Noon to 6 pm.

    100 (approx) people including Team Players, Spectators & following prominent members attended the event including Mr Iqbal Memon Officer, Mr Aziz Machiwala, Mr Asif Abbajumma, Mr Imran Fruitwala, Mr Anwar Pishori, Mr Mansoor Darvesh, Mr Anwar Abbajumma, Mr Afzal Motorwala, Mr Taufik Kapdia, Mr Badshha Bhai, Mr Aziz Sandha etc



    • Mr Iqbal Memon Officer
    • Ms Afreen Shaikh (Municipal Corporator)
    • Mr Umar Lakdawala (Congress Leader)


    • Mr Asif Abbajumma(Chairman – AIMJF Sports Wing)

    Following teams participated in Tournament:-

    • Fruitwala
    • Abbajumma
    • Adenwala
    • Merchant
    • Ladha
    • Batliwala

    Tournament was played between following teams through raffles:-

    • Abbajumma v/s Merchant/ Out of which Merchant Won
    • Ladha v/s Fruitwala / Out of Which Ladha Won
    • Adenwala v/s Batliwala / Out of which Adenwala Won

    Fruitwala qualified for Semi Final through raffle

    Semi Final was played between following teams through raffles :-

    • Ladha v/s Adenwala / out of which Adenwala Won
    • bFruitwala v/s Merchant / out of which Fruitwala Won

    Final was played between Adenwala v/s Fruitwala out of which Fruitwala won the tournament.



    Management Committee with Shawl:

    1. Mr Hamza Dokadia

    2. Mr Ashraf Chataiwala

    3. Mr Faizan Devlaliwala

    4. Mr Hussain Abbajumma

    5. Mr Imran Batatawala

    6. Mr Irfan Ladha

    7. Mr Hasham Dokadia

    8. Mr Farid Gigani

    9. Mr Adnan Abbajumma

    10. Mr Kasam Kutchi

    SUNDAY, 26/01/2021


    Youth Wing of ‘All India Memon Jamat Federation’ celebrated Republic Day on Tuesday, 26/01/2021 at 11.00 am in the AIMJF Office Ground, Beg Mohammed Park, Narayan Dhuru Street, Mumbai –3.

    • 200 (Approx) members were present
    • Mr Imran Fruitwala welcomed all the guests
    • Function was commenced with National Anthem & Memon Anthem
    • Prominent dignitaries of all community i.e Vohra, Kokani, Kerala, Memon, Jain, Gujrati, Sikh, Marathi, Bengali were present.
    • India National Flag was hoisted by Mr Iqbal Memon Officer, Mrs Afreen Shaikh (Corporator), Mr Umar Lakdawala, Mrs Razia Bai Chasmawala, and Police Officers.
    • Innumerous prominent Members of all Community were present viz Mr Iqbal Memon Officer, Mr Aziz Machiwala, Mr Asif Abbajumma, Mr Imran Fruitwala, Mr Shakir Batliwala, Mr Amin Patel (MLA), Mrs Afreen Shaikh (Corporator), Mrs Razia Bai Chasmawala, Ms Sheherbanoo Gullar, Mr Haji Riyaz Memon, Dr Abdur Razzak Holy, Mr Asif Kas, Mr Irfan Ladha, Mr Nasir Pathan, Mr Sajid Sopariwala, Mr Farid Gigani, Mr Amman Masalawala, Mr Irfan Duberia, Mr Siraj Dosani, Mr Amir Memon, Mr Sahil Nagani, Mr Salim Nagani, Mrs Shamim Shekhany, Mrs Husna Firoz, Mrs Gazala Azad, Mrs Rukhsana Nagvadaria, Mr Anis Sutariya, Mr Mohsin Shivani, Mr Maqsood Kidia, Mr Asif Kidia, Mr Afzal Patel, Mr Shehzan Batliwala, Mr Salman Chatriwala, Mr Hadee Bhavnagarwala, and various other dignitaries of community were present.
    • All the members were welcomed with Guard of Honour by Scout of Hashmiah High School
    • Following Members were felicitated with Memento for their great dedicated services rendered to society.
      1) Mr Sharad Naik – ACP Pydhonie Division
      2) Mr Subhash Dudhgaonkar – Sr PI Pydhonie Police Station
      3) Mr Nasir Pathan
      4) Mr Abdul Latif Hassan
      5) Dr Altamash Shaikh
      6) Mr Suhail Kachhi – Robotics Technologies
    • Mr Iqbal Memon Officer highlighted the great dedicated services rendered by Memon Community for Independence of India
    • All the students of Orphanage were present
    • Prominent members given their bite appreciating the event.
    • Programmes was sponsored by Mr Imran Fruitwala
    • All the members were honoured with Brunch Box.
    • Above event was covered by Awaz National News
    • Function was dispersed at 12.30 noon



    Wednesday, 27/01/2021
    On the Occasion of Sir ADAMJI DAY - 27/01/2021 - HOMAGE to Sir ADAMJI HAJI DAWOOD

    • Homage / Tribute was offered to Sir Adamji Haji Dawood on Wednesday, 27/01/2021 at 11.30 am in the office of ‘All India Memon Jamat Federation’, Mumbai
    • Mr Iqbal Memon Officer stated that today is the death anniversary of Sir Adamji Haji Dawood (30/06/1880 – 27/01/1948)
    • Mr Iqbal Memon Officer further informed about the great social contribution done by Sir Adamji Haji Dawood.
    • He was father of Education of Memons. He founded ‘The Memon Educational & Welfare Society’ in 1932 in Calcutta and thousands of Memon students have achieved higher professional degree courses and became Doctors, Engineers, Chartered Accountants, Pilots,
    • Adamjee Haji Dawood was born in 1880 in Jetpur, Kathiawar, Gujarat in BritishIndia in a Memon family. While still in his teens, he ventured out to Burma and started operating as an independent businessman. The first few years of his career were spent in the rice, match-book-making for lighting home stoves and jute trade.
    • By 1922, he had accumulated sufficient resources and a strong presence in the commodities markets, enabling him to set up his first industrial venture - a match factory in Rangoon. In 1927, he returned to India to establish a jute mill in Calcutta. The Adamjee Jute Mills Limited was the third jute mill to be set up by an Indian and the first Muslim-owned public company in British India. To capture this emerging niche, Adamjee along with Mr. G. D. Birla of Birla Jute, broke into this monopolistic trade controlled by the East India Company until that time.
    • He was also an avid educationist and philanthropist. He was responsible for financing and helping a number of educational institutions in India.
    • In recognition for his services to his countrymen, the British government knighted him in June 1938.
    • Members present noted and appreciated the same.
    • Mr Aziz Machiwala, Mr Altaf Holy, Mr Shakir Batliwala, Ms Sheherbanoo Gullar, Mr Imran Fruitwala, Mr Salim Nagani, Mrs Gazala Azad, Mr Hanif Rulania, Mrs Razia Bai Chasmawala & Mr Sohel Memon also offered their homage to Sir Adamjee Haji Dawood by appreciating the great dedicated services rendered.
    • Dua e Maghfirat was offered & meeting dispersed at 2.30 pm



    Wednesday, 28/10/2020
    On Wednesday, 28/10/2020 prominent dignitaries of Community Visited AIMJF Charitable Dispensary on the occasion of Inauguration of Name Board of ‘Qutb E Kokan Makhdum Ali Mahimi (RA) Flyover


    Mr Iqbal Memon Officer felicitated below mentioned dignitaries with Shawl on behalf of AIMJF.

    1) Bhai Jagtap (MLC)

    2) Mr Amin Patel (MLA)

    3) Mr Yusuf Abrahani (Ex MLA)

    4) Mr Suhail Khandwani

    5) Mr Umar Lakdawala (Congress Leader)

    6) Ms Afreen Shaikh (Municipal Councillor)

    Following members visited Charitable Dispensary of AIMJF

    • Mr Iqbal Memon Officer
    • Mr Amin Patel (MLA)
    • Mr Sarfaraz Arzoo (Chairman – Khilafat Committee)
    • Maulana Athar
    • Mr Hasham Shaikh
    • Mr Yusuf Punjabi
    • Mr Imran Alvi
    • Haji Arafat
    • Mr Shabbir Mansoori
    • Mr Salim Jamal
    • Mr Shakil Sayed


    Mr Amin Patel appreciated the charitable activities of AIMJF under the leadership of Mr Iqbal Memon Officer

    Monday, 19/10/2020


    All India Memon Jamat Fedeartion’s Charitable Dispensary was Inaugurated on Monday, 19/10/2020 at 8pm in the Beg Mohammed Park, Narayan Dhuru Street, Mumbai – 400003.

    Following members were present :-

    • Mr Iqbal Memon Officer
    • Mr Aziz Machiwala
    • Mrs Razia Bai Chasmawala
    • Mr Shehzad Abrahani
    • Mr Azhar Chatriwala
    • Ms Afreen Shaikh (Municipal Councillor)
    • Mr Umar Lakdawala (Congress Leader)
    • Mr Nizamuddin Raeen
    • Mr Anjum Lakdawala
    • Mr Asif Khatri
    • Mr Anwar Pishori
    • Dr M A Ansari
    • Mr Shakil Batliwala
    • Mr Shadil Batliwala
    • Ms Asma Lakdawala
    • Mr Javed Zakaria
    • Mrs Saba Javed
    • Mr Riyaz Memon
    • Mr Rafik Bhojani
    • Mr Mansoor Darvesh
    • Mr Taufik Kapadia
    • Mrs Shamim Shekhany
    • Mr Kadar Perfumewala
    • Mrs Mumtaz Perfumewala
    • Mrs Abida Zaveri
    • Ms Iram Zaveri
    • Mr Salim Bandhukiya
    • Mrs Sabiha Kapadia
    • Mrs Naseema Surty
    • Mr Ayub Memon
    • Mr Anwar Nagaria
    • Mr Nasir Pathan
    • Mr Taj Qureshi
    • Mr Imran Mulla
    • Mr Imran Alwi
    • Mr Kamal Mandekar
    • Mr Shafi Khan
    • Mr Shafi Niyama
    • Mr Anjum Marwadi
    • Mr Shafi Surty
    • Mr Shafi Adenwala
    • Mr Riyaz Mewawala
    • Mr Imtiyaz Memon
    • Mr Altaf Holy

    • Programme was commenced with recitation of verses from the Holy Quran by Mr Aziz Machiwala.
    • Therefater Charitable Dispensary of AIMJF was inaugurated by the hands of Mr Shehzad Abrahani, Mr Umar Lakdawala & Ms Afreen Shaikh
    • Mr Iqbal Memon Officer stated that the purpose of opening this Charitable Dispensary is to benefit the poor, deserving sick patient irrespective of caste, creed & religion at nominal charges of Rs.20/- per patient including medicines.
    • All the members present appreciated the dedicated social services of AIMJF under the leadership of Janab Iqbal Memon Officer.
    • Programme was covered by SCN News
    • Programme dispersed at 10.30 pm with Dua E Khair



    Sunday, 23/02/2020


    Cricket Team of 'All India Memon Jamat Federation' *AIMJF President 11* participated in Champions Trophy Cricket Tournament of Wockhardt Hospital on Sunday, 23/02/2020 from 8am to 8pm at NSCI Club, Haji Ali, Mumbai under the kind leadership of Mr Asif Abbajumma (Chairman - AIMJF Sports Wing)

    24 Teams were participated in said Tournament, players above 35 years.

    Alhamdulillah, this is 5th Sports Events organized during the year 2019/20 under the kind leadership of Mr Asif Bhai Abbajumma and guidance of Honble President of AIMJF Mr Iqbal Memon Officer.

    Following Members are present:-

    • Mr Asif Abbajumma
    • Mr Imran Fruitwala
    • Mr Shakir Batliwala
    • Mr Hussain Asif Abbajumma
    • Mr Adnaan Asif Abbajumma
    • Mr Shakil Batliwala
    • Mr Altaf Holy

    • Coach :-

      • Mr Hashim Dokadia
      • Mr Hamza Dokadia
    • AIMJF President 11 Team:-

      • Mr Rizwan Kapadia (Captain)
      • Mr Faiyaz Merchant
      • Mr Faraaz Moosa
      • Mr Imran Mehta
      • Mr Munawar Zariwala
      • Mr Rizwan Patca
      • Mr Fauzan Patca
      • Mr Arshad Mojawala
      • Mr Abdul Basit
      • Mr Asif Abbajumma
      • Mr Altaf Holy
    • AIMJF President 11 won 4 back to back matches and won Runners Up Trophy.
    • Players of AIMJF Team also won following trophies for their remarkable performance:-
      • Man of 3 Matches + Hatric - Mr Abdul Basit
      • Man of the Match - Arshad Mojawala
      • Best Bowler - Mr Abdul Basit
      • Player of the Tournament - Mr Abdul Basit
    • Alhamdulillah, said Cricket Tournament was very well played by all the players.
    • Mr Asif Abbajumma was managed the tournament and Mr Imran Fruitwala, Mr Shakir Batliwala & Mr Shakil Batliwala were motivated the players.
    • Special thanks to Mr Imran Fruitwala & Dr Sahil Nasir Fulara who visited and wished best of luck to all the players.
    • Cricket Tournament was ended at 8pm in a cheerful environment with a special thanks to Wockhardt Hospital, Mumbai.


    Sunday, 26th January 2020



    Youth Wing of ‘All India Memon Jamat Federation’ celebrated Republic Day on Sunday, 26/01/2020 at 11.00 am in the AIMJF Office Ground, Beg Mohammed Park, Narayan Dhuru Street, Mumbai –3.


    • 400 (Approx) members were present
    • Mr Imran Fruitwala welcomed all the guests
    • Function was commenced with recitation of verses from the Holy Quran by Mr Yasin Asif Memon and followed by National Anthem & Memon Anthem
    • Dr Ismail Harunani, VP Europe Chapter attended the event as a Chief Guest.
    • Prominent dignitaries of all community i.e Vohra, Kokani, Kerala, Memon, Jain, Gujrati, Sikh, Marathi, Bengali were present.
    • India National Flag was hoisted by
      • Mrs Afreen Shaikh (Corporator)
      • Mrs Razia Bai Chasmawala
      • Mrs Faridabai Agboatwala
      • Mrs Zubedabai Khandwani
      • Mrs Hamida Bai Bhiwandiwala
      • Police Officers of Pydhonie Police Station


    Innumerous prominent Members of all Community were present

    • Mr Iqbal Memon Officer
    • Mrs Afreen Shaikh (Corporator)
    • Mrs Razia Bai Chasmawala
    • Mrs Faridabai Agboatwala
    • Mrs Zubedabai Khandwani
    • Mrs Hamida Bai Bhiwandiwala
    • Mr Asif Abbajumma
    • Mr Imran Fruitwala
    • Mr Suhail Khandwani
    • Mr Sharif Memon
    • Mr Yasin Deda
    • Mr Abdullah Gadawala
    • Mr Nakib Noorani
    • Dr Ismail Harunani
    • Dr Zuber Sorathiya
    • Ms Sheherbanoo Gullar
    • Mr Kudus Noorani
    • Mr Shahnawaz Chunawala
    • Mr Firoz Lakdiwala
    • Mr Faiyaz Basmatwala
    • MrNizamuddin Raeen
    • Mr Rizwan Coatwala
    • Mr Jahangir Bhabha
    • Mr Anwar Pishori
    • Mr Latif Batliwala
    • Mr Salim Merchant
    • Mr Haji Riyaz Memon
    • Dr A Razzak Holy
    • Mr Asif Kas
    • Mr Saad Memon.
    • Mr Irfan Ladha
    • Mr Yusuf Sakarwala
    • Mr Nasir Pathan
    • Mr Sajid Sopariwala
    • Mr Ch Abdul Rehman
    • Mr Hashim Dokadia
    • Mr Farid Gigani
    • Mr Anwar Nagaria
    • Mr Hadee Bhavnagarwala
    • Mr Azhar Chatriwala
    • Mr Altaf
    • Mr Nadeem Patel
    • Dr Mariam Hingora
    • Mrs Tabassum Dhorajiwala
    • Ms Asma Lakdwala
    • various other dignitaries of community were present.

    • All the members were welcomed with Guard of Honour by Scout of Saifi Scout & Hashmiah High School
    • Mr Iqbal Memon Officer highlighted the great dfedicated services rendered by Memon Community for Independence of India
    • All the students of Orphanage were present
    • Prominent members given their bite appreciating the event.
    • All the members were honoured with Brunch Box.
    • Above event was covered by Voice of Memons & CITI News


    Function was dispersed at 12 noon

    Thursday, 15th August 2019


    Youth Wing of ‘All India Memon Jamat Federation’ celebrated Independence Day on Thursday, 15/08/2019 at 11.00 am at Beg Mohammed Park, Narayan Dhuru Street, Mumbai – 400 003.

    F200 (Approx) members were present including following prominent Members :-

    • 1) Mr Iqbal Memon Officer
    • Mr Aziz Machhiwala
    • Mr Asif Abbajumma
    • Mr Imran Fruitwala
    • Mr Afzal Patca
    • Mr Shakir Batliwala
    • Mrs Razia Bai Chasmawala
    • Mrs Farida Bai Agboatwala
    • Mrs Rukhsana Akhtar Upletawala
    • Mrs Husna Dhorajiwala
    • Mrs Asma Lakdawala
    • Mr Bhai Jagtap - MLC
    • Mrs Afreen Shaikh (Coirporator)
    • Mr Subhash Dudhgaonkar Sr PI Pydhonie PS
    • Mr Suresh Gayakwad – PI
    • Mr Shehzad Abrrhani – SEWA
    • Mr Alam Shaikh – SEWA
    • Mr Faisal Vadgama – SEWA
    • Mr Yunus Malpara – SEWA
    • Mr Furqan Abrahani - SEWA
    • Mr Sajid Sopariwala – Shivsena Leader
    • Mr Dilawar Choughle – BJP Leader
    • Mr Rahim Surty – EKTA
    • Mr Wahab Haji Hasham
    • Mr Mohamed Ashaar
    • Mr Rizwan Coatwala
    • Dr Javed Reshamwala
    • Mrs Rukhsana Nagvadaria
    • Mr Haji Riyaz Memon
    • Mr Md Ali A Rehman
    • Dr A Razzak Holy
    • Mr Asif Kas
    • Mr Husain Abbajumma
    • Mr Adnan Abbajumma
    • Mr Taufiq Kapadia
    • Mr Hamza Dokadia
    • Mr Hasham Dokadia
    • Mr Farid Gigani
    • Mr Ashraf Chataiwala
    • Mr Mukhtar Bhai
    • Mr Hadee Bhavnagarwala
    • Mr Wasim Yasin Naviwala
    • Mr Amir Memon
    • Mr Fahad Patel
    • Mr Ashraf Bumbia
    • Mr Siraj Dosani
    • Mr Sahil Nagani
    • Mr Israar Bhai
    • Mrs Sabiha Kapadia
    • Mr Riyaz Mewawala
    • Mr Hanif Vasavadwala
    • Mr Juned Memon
    • Mr Vikram – SCN News
    • Mr Anand Srivastav – Global News
    • Mr Raj Pandey – CEN News
    • Ms Supriya Waghmare – National News
    • Mr Bablu Srivastav – Memon Times News
    • Mr Altaf Holy
    • Function as commenced with recitation of verses from the Holy Quran by Mr Iqbal Memon Officer.
    • All the members were welcomed with Guard of Honour by Scout
    • Mr Iqbal Memon Officer highlighted the great dfedicated services rendered by Memon Community for Independence of India
    • India National Flag was hoisted by Mr Subhash Dudhgaonkar IPS (Sr PI – Pydhonie Police Station), Mr Iqbal Memon Officer, Mr Afzal Patka, Mrs Razia Bai Chasmawala, Mrs Farida Bai Agboatwala & various pprominent members.
    • Mr Shehzad Abrahani, Mr Subhash Dudhgaonkar IPS, Mr Suresh Gayakwad IPS, Mr Bhai Jagtap MLC and all the Office Bearers of SEWA were felicitated with Shawl.
    • All the students of Muslim Boys Orphanage were present
    • All the Guests were gifted with Brunch Box
    • Function was covered by SCN News alongwith bite of prominent members.
    • SCN News, Memon Times, Global News, National News Channels covered the event

    Function was dispersed at 1 pm

    Tuesday, 20th February 2019


    A tribute was paid on 19th Feb 2019 at 7 pm outside AIMJF Office Ground, Beg Mohammed Park, Narayan Dhuru Street, Mumbai – 400 003 to the soldiers of Pulwama terror attack

    Mr R J Bajaj of News World enchored the programme.

    Sunday,18th October 2015

    Gettogether With MANA

    Eid Ul Adha get-to-gathter function held by Memon Association of North America(MANA). Javed Iqbal Memon (Officer), handed ALL INDIA MEMON JAMAT FEDERATION Jakat appeal and thanks letter to President of MANA & Mr. Imtiyaz Kapadwala at New Jersey,USA.

    Wednesday,14th October 2015


    Formation Ceremony of AGMJ was held,On 11th Oct,2015. at Gulmohar Baug,Verna Goa.

    Mr.A.Latif (Jafar Madgaonkar) was selected as a President of AGMJ.

    Following dignitories of AIMJF were present:-

    • Ehsaan Gadawala & Haseen Aghadi (Vice Presidents)
    • Aziz Macchiwala (General Secretary)
    • Asif Abba Jumma (Sports Wing Chairman).
    • Ali Bhojani (Youth Wing Chairman).
    • Irfan Moosani (IT Consultant)
    • Altaf Holy (CEO).
    • Shafi Roghatya, Liyaqat Dosani (Zonal Secretary).
    • NEC members :
      • Abdul Kadar Jodiyawala(Ahmedabad)
      • Iqram Chidimar(Ahmedabad)
      • Ashraf Chasmawala(Mumbai).

    Representatives of Chiplun Memon Jamat,Sindhudurgh Memon Jamat, Ratnagiri Memon Jamat, Mangalore Memon Jamat & PMO were present.

    Following Office Bearers of AGMJ were appointed:-

    • Chairman Goa Haj Committee : Mr.Mohammad Iqbal Memon.
    • (VP - AGMJ)
    • Mr.Salim Bashir Sayani
    • Amin Halari
    • Sadik Bandukda
    • Rafique Cartier & local members of Goa were present.
    Wednesday,14th October 2015

    Sawantwadi gettogether programme,on October 14th, 2015

    On 11th Oct,2015 visit to Sindhudurgh Memon Jamats,Maharashtra at Sawantwadi. For gettogether meeting.

    • With General Sec.Sattar Seth Macchiwala,Sports wing Chairman.Asif Abba jumma & CEO.Altaf Holy. At Rafique Sattar's Zoya Resort farmhouse.
    • Iqbal abu memon(President of Sindhudurgh Memon Jamat) with his team and various jamats representatives were present.
    Saturday, 10th October2015

    Jalna Memon Jamat,on October 10th, 2015

    On 6th Oct at Jalna Memon Jamat, Gettogether meeting & Laid foundation held with the hand of Mr. Iqbal memon officer (President of AIMJF), Land donated by Haji Abdul Karim Nagodarya.

    • (AIMJF President felicited the land donar).
    • Jalna jamat President Haji Samiullah Nagodarya and his working team with AIMJF Dy Vps,Zon Secs,NEC members, and various Jamat Presidents were present at occassion. at near New Market yard (3km from Jalna).
    Tuesday, 6thOct 2015

    Inauguration Of All India Memon Jamat Federation's Honhar Beti Course Center On 6th,Oct 2015 at Aurangabad.

    Under the management of Mrs.Mashila Maqsud Naviwala. along with Yunus Motiwala(President Aurangabad Memon Jamat),Siddique Motiwala,Iqbal Dhamia(Sec Aurangabad Memon Jamat).